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My Encounter - Possible Abudction?

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posted on Mar, 3 2004 @ 02:00 PM
Hello all -

As a "newbie" to this forum, I thought it would be logical to give you a little background about myself and explain the strange events that I have been a part of.

When I was somewhere between the ages of 6 and 10, I had an experience which I cannot explain. I lived in a very small house with both my mother and father. The pronouncing feature of this house was a long hallway which went from the living room to the master bedroom. Along the hallway, there were two doors: one for my bedroom, and one for the bathroom. As a child, I had an extreme fear of this hallway. Tasks as simple as using the bathroom required me to ask my dad to "escort" me down this hallway. My other fear as a child was sleeping alone. I could not sleep unless my mother or father was within a very close distance from me - obviously for comfort. I can only vividly remember one event that explained my strange behavior although I am sure there were many. Here is the explanation (what I recall) of my experience:

It was the early evening hours of a mid-summer day. I remember being in my bedroom either playing with toys or watching the television. I fell asleep while playing, and the next thing I remember is floating up into the air, unable to move my body. I remember making many attempts to call for help, but my voice would not function. I don't remember anything after this point, until being "lowered" back into my bed. My initial reaction was to turn on the light via the switch. The interesting thing about my memories at this point is that I was able to move my limbs on the way down. I couldn't "escape" whatever it was the was lowering me, but I did have movement. I attempted to reach for the switch and finally succeeded. When I did, the episode ended. I was absolutely frantic and ran out into the living room where my parents were calmly watching television. I asked why they didn't respond to my screams, and they said they heard nothing. I looked at the clock and no time had passed, although the episode seemed to last at least 15 to 20 minutes.

This episode explains my fear of this hallway, as well as sleeping alone. My fears have mostly subsided now, however I do have the fear of the stereotypical "grey" face. I have considered regressive hypnotherapy, however I haven't decided yet whether or not I even want to know what happened that night.

Enough babble. I hope that I will not receive the "psycho lunatic" replies - perhaps I will find some answers.

posted on Mar, 3 2004 @ 02:19 PM
pyscho lunatic
just kidding

welcome and may you find all the answers you are looking for!!!

posted on Mar, 3 2004 @ 02:44 PM
From what I have read they almost always say the greys in a way prefer children to abduct from what you described you might have had an abduction experience. Is there anything else such as items going missing? or any missing time? or anything else that just seems weird? There are also other possiblitys such as a hallucination or you might have been day dreaming but it is a weird experience.

posted on Mar, 3 2004 @ 03:10 PM
Interesting story. I have a fear of the grey's face as well since I was a kid. To this day I don't know why....I never have recalled any events that I would consider an abduction or alien contact so my next guess would be getting scared s**t less when I was younger...possibly from a television show about ebes/ufos. I dunno.

posted on Mar, 3 2004 @ 03:25 PM
Since this took place such a long time ago, I can't recall any items that were missing. As opposed to "missing" time, time "stood still" in my experience. The only strange thing that I can think of at the moment is my compulsion to study and research EBE's and extraterrestrials. I also feel like I have a huge purpose for being alive. Things that are supposed to fulfill me (i.e. college education, jobs, etc.) don't fulfill me at all and it is almost as if I'm waiting for something extremely important to happen which I some how am involved. Maybe I'm just a very ambitious person????

posted on Mar, 3 2004 @ 03:42 PM

Originally posted by Jesse Torgerson
Since this took place such a long time ago, I can't recall any items that were missing. As opposed to "missing" time, time "stood still" in my experience. The only strange thing that I can think of at the moment is my compulsion to study and research EBE's and extraterrestrials. I also feel like I have a huge purpose for being alive. Things that are supposed to fulfill me (i.e. college education, jobs, etc.) don't fulfill me at all and it is almost as if I'm waiting for something extremely important to happen which I some how am involved. Maybe I'm just a very ambitious person????

You also may be involved in this more then it seems by the sound of it carry on researching you might find what your looking for or something that fulfills you. I'm kind of like you thats why I research into all this kind of stuff but I am unable to answer any of my questions currently.

posted on Mar, 3 2004 @ 11:40 PM
thats crazy how the greys can manipulate what we call 'time & space'

posted on Mar, 18 2004 @ 03:03 PM
jesse, i have had similar expieriences and have a deep rooted fear of seeing an EBE/grey since i was a kid. I also feel the strange urge to research such things despite my fear. one night in particular i remember waking up on my back lawn with a strange pencil eracer sized scar on my left hand, and a bruise of the same size on my right hip. the bruise didn't hurt, and i have both marks to this day and this happened a couple years ago. I feel like there is something more to life other than spending your childhood learning how to spend your adulthood working. (my apologies if that made no sense) i also have a few camping expieriences of a similar nature.

posted on Mar, 18 2004 @ 03:24 PM

Originally posted by Jesse Torgerson

It was the early evening hours of a mid-summer day. I remember being in my bedroom either playing with toys or watching the television. I fell asleep while playing, and the next thing I remember is floating up into the air, unable to move my body. I remember making many attempts to call for help, but my voice would not function. I don't remember anything after this point, until being "lowered" back into my bed. My initial reaction was to turn on the light via the switch. The interesting thing about my memories at this point is that I was able to move my limbs on the way down. I couldn't "escape" whatever it was the was lowering me, but I did have movement. I attempted to reach for the switch and finally succeeded. When I did, the episode ended. I was absolutely frantic and ran out into the living room where my parents were calmly watching television. I asked why they didn't respond to my screams, and they said they heard nothing. I looked at the clock and no time had passed, although the episode seemed to last at least 15 to 20 minutes.

This episode explains my fear of this hallway, as well as sleeping alone. My fears have mostly subsided now, however I do have the fear of the stereotypical "grey" face. I have considered regressive hypnotherapy, however I haven't decided yet whether or not I even want to know what happened that night.

Enough babble. I hope that I will not receive the "psycho lunatic" replies - perhaps I will find some answers.

Similar thing happened to me and i was always afraid of going up or down the stairs in my house and going through the upstairs hallway without someone with me or the lights on. I just get this freaky feeling. Also the face of a grey freaks me out and gives me nightmares still.

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