posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 04:27 PM
It's hard to say if my dreams are nightmares these days. There's always something out of place, and seems like it would be frightening to the norm.
I've had so many unpleasent dreams in the last few years that I can't tell the difference between good and bad dreams. But I can say, they are
always interesting and keep me thinking.
I can recall the last dream I had.
I was in a warehouese with some guy I used to know, and a few of his buddies I think. I went to find the head, alone. I came across a secret door,
atleast it seemed secret. I went in it, and there was the typical movie scene light bulb dangling from the cieling, flickering off and on. I had an
eerie feeling, so I fled back to the guys, told them, and went to investigate this secret area further. So now we're all in this hallway with this
dangling light bulb, and all nervous as hell. We venture on more, and find something of an under ground boiler room, the size of a hangar. We flash
a random spawned flashlight around towards unnatural noises, and see nothing of interest. So we decide to head back up stairs, due to the eeriness of
the place. And on the way back, we hear this loud moan, something out of the Blair With Project. We start running, and we somehow get split up into
pairs. Suddenly everything goes black, and we're lying on four tables. And to cut to the chase.. We were being disected by some shadow woman.
And there's pleanty more odd dreams where that came from.
As I said, I can't tell the nightmares from the mundane dreams anymore. Sad thing really! Haven't had a decent, "happy" dream in a
All I can say to you is, I hope you get to experience one sometime. Just so you can learn to appreciate your rather boring, and yet still interesting
dreams to the fullest.
Dinosaur... haha