posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 10:01 AM
When we give our majority elected political representatives the right to impose regulations onto us without public consultation and consent then we
elect them to dictate our use of Free Will.
In a free and liberal society where man, woman and all type of other sentient, intelligent creature have the right of Free Will as restricted by
evolved social regulation as imposed by laws created by social piers, laws which (by virtue of Free Will) may be questioned and appealed by citizens
when citizens feel they are unjustified, no-longer merited or wrongly applied then when an individual's action hinders the quality of another
sentient being's Free Will, permission to conduct that action must first be sought from the recipient of the proposed action. It should never be a
right of a few elected political representatives to impose their will by expense and despite their electors' rights to be consulted and to give or
not give consent for any imposition.
When our elected political representatives self-assume the roles of law creator, police, juror, judge and executioner; when those representatives
abuse their self-assumed powers then we have no Free Will as given us all by God almighty and as fought for and won by our forefathers in their
personal feuds with politicians, local government administrators, busy bodies and neighbours aswellas by their participation in wars against tyranny,
genocide, dictatorship and other enemies of Free Will. Those rights once won by our forefathers are now being lost by the many spineless and blind
who refuse to sacrifice their mod-cons for the greater luxury of socially regulated freedom.
What have we done? Why have we allowed these self-serving, power-mongering politicians to take our rights from us and others outside of our own
nations? How long before they dish out those rights they've taken from us as parents bribe children to behave well by giving sweets?
For the sake of ourselves and our children, we must take back from the elected representatives and employed civil servants our God given right to self
administer Free Will by removing their self-assumed right to espy and document our private lives. We are not cattle or other farm animals. We are
human beings - the collective holders of dominion over all other of this planet's creatures and resources. It is time we the masses rise-up and
re-assert ourselves against those animals who are supposed to represent us. We must do this now before it is too late and before we are too weak and
few to contemplate to ever breath that air of freedom that will only be available to those who would have themselves become the unelected elite. An
elite who will control your every action from how you breath, where you may walk, with whom you may mate, to how and when you urinate.
LAH AKA Rapacity - before my time is done, I will steal back humanity for humanity.