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Pledge for Respectful Debate?

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posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 02:02 AM
I noticed that McCain and Obama both seem to be trying to keep the level of discourse elevated, i.e., they are not slinging mud at each like candidates have done in the past. In fact, Obama even defended McCain's slip up over Iran/Al-Qaeda saying that everybody misspeaks at times.

Then I thought that *maybe* what's as important for the country right now is that the animosity and partisanship be healed in addition to who actually wins the election.

That said, I am suggesting that we here on ATS pledge to do the same when discussing the upcoming election. Not only should we pledge to refrain from making personal attacks and insults against fellow members, but also to NOT make personal attacks or disrespectful insults towards Obama and McCain.

If you think this is a good idea, and you're willing to be part of elevating the level of discussion here on ATS, then "sign the pledge for respectful debate" by posting a reply below.

posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 02:19 AM
Signed by SteveR

Star + Flag.

posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 03:02 AM
I'll ask you this:
Do you really think it's going to make a difference who gets elected? They are both CFR. I think it's like the episode of South Park where they have to vote for a douche bag or a turd sandwich as their new school mascot.
It's tough to be a serious debater when you have those two options to choose from. But if I ever do debate the candidates (no way) I will try to be civil.

posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 03:12 AM

Originally posted by cmongo4
I'll ask you this:
Do you really think it's going to make a difference who gets elected? They are both CFR. I think it's like the episode of South Park where they have to vote for a douche bag or a turd sandwich as their new school mascot.
It's tough to be a serious debater when you have those two options to choose from. But if I ever do debate the candidates (no way) I will try to be civil.

Well, if it doesn't matter WHO gets elected, maybe it matters HOW somebody gets elected. I.e., maybe the higher purpose of this election is that the divisions in this country (and maybe in the world) are somehow healed, even in some small way.

posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 03:13 AM
reply to post by SteveR

Cool.... now maybe we can refer people to this thread as well from the threads that have deteriorated into flame wars.

posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 11:06 AM
Bumping this because it was posted late last night and probably many people missed it. I think that the idea is worthwhile and I'm sure that more people will agree to keep things respectful.

posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 12:28 AM
I've tried to stick to the issues and I'll continue to do so.

I have never posted any material slinging mud at John McCain and I will not.

While I don't want him as our next President, I think he's basically a decent man with an admirable record of public service. I don't think he suffers from the character flaws that have led me to dislike our current leadership so much.

I just basically disagree with him on policy: I think he's wrong, not evil.

posted on Sep, 6 2008 @ 11:51 AM
Starred and Flagged.

Mostly for a bump. These kinds of threads get pushed to the bottom all too quickly by the bickering and fighting.


posted on Sep, 6 2008 @ 12:10 PM

Originally posted by Milk
Starred and Flagged.

Mostly for a bump. These kinds of threads get pushed to the bottom all too quickly by the bickering and fighting.



Nobody seems very interested in this thread. I'm thinking people like bickering back and forth on ATS.

posted on Sep, 6 2008 @ 12:43 PM

Nobody seems very interested in this thread. I'm thinking people like bickering back and forth on ATS.

You have to admit, it is rather fun to bicker at times!

My husband is a swing voter, which infuriates me to no end, but 'for the sake of the children' we've agreed to end political discussions until he's firmly decided to vote the right way (for McCain). So that means that I have to do my bickering on ATS

Overall I think I have been respectful in my posts. Occassionally I get hot-headed and might be a bit too harsh, but that's how I am in life and I don't think it's wrong to have it carry over to the board.

In the 'real world', I rarely get angry, raise my voice or curse, so when any of those happen, people around me know that I mean business, same thing on the board.

It's a lot like how I parent ... I don't believe in saying "no", "don't do that", "don't do this", "you can't ...". "No" loses it's meaning when children hear it non-stop and they just learn to tune it out.

There are plenty of other ways to stop undesirable behavior without having to use 'no' so that, in a sense, you save your 'no's' for times when it REALLY matters.

When I'm going back and forth with someone on the board and they are constantly being unreasonable or over the top rude, eventually, I lose my patience with them and I fight back harder than I normally would. I think that's a normal response, don't you?


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