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Alex Jones says he may be in the process of a RAID

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posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 12:17 AM
Scheduled to speak to George Noory tonight, Alex is claiming he is at the meeting, the Bilderberg Group, and he fears he will be set up....

Will speak to George later..... To excited to speak!

More on this when he comes back.

posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 12:23 AM
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot....Over?

posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 12:31 AM
Sound like someone's been play too much Charlie Oscar Delta. (four)

posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 12:41 AM

posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 12:41 AM

video posted above

[edit on 5-6-2008 by yankeerose]

posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 02:22 AM
i don't know everything nor do i presume to, however with that said, every day of my life i do my best to pursue that knowledge in hopes to one day be truly enlightened.

while reviewing this and another thread on here i came across the wiki site (i apologize to moderators if i did not link properly as this is my 1st time linking something)

Wiki has listed the dates of all the meetings that we are aware have taken place.

my question in this post is (which i will begin to research on my own right now, however like I said I do not know everything and am only in my 20's so I dont have the advantage of historical experience on my side I ask this question because I am sure there are those of you who have already done more research and posses more knowledge on this situation that i do or will be able to in a few hours of research) what "coincidences" are there in historical events that take place in a time frame corresponding to these meetings that have taken place? itd be interesting to see that several rather then a few major events can be possibly linked at least time wise to this group.

I dont doubt everything alex is saying and neither do i believe everything he is saying.

posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 02:39 AM
Lets get this GD Damn New world order over with already. I am soo damn sick and tired of sitting around waiting to die or be enslaved.
There is nothing to look forward to anymore. We are apparently F$%ked
no matter what happens. Am I the only one wishing they had a plane to fly into that damn building??? Honestly, I want these vampires dead.
Is there any hope anymore???? Are we all just sheep being led to the slaughter? Are we living in a fools paradise??
Thanks for the info OP.

posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 07:29 AM
reply to post by cbass


I feel exactly the same way you do. Now, unfortunatly, i fell asleep and i am not sure if Alex made it back on the air last night or not, but he said as soon as he and his were spotted as members of the free press, they started a "Fire drill" and he knew it was special for him.

You know, enough already! Kill us already.

And i know there are those of you who dont beleive Alex, even though you are seeing with your own eyes, that the man, albeit loud and in a rage most of the time, is and HAS been telling us the truth.

Enough of the torture...oh, that's what it is, MORE TORTURE BEFORE THEY KILL US OFF!!! I just figured it out!!!

posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 08:38 AM

Originally posted by cbass
Lets get this GD Damn New world order over with already. I am soo damn sick and tired of sitting around waiting to die or be enslaved.
There is nothing to look forward to anymore. We are apparently F$%ked
no matter what happens. Am I the only one wishing they had a plane to fly into that damn building??? Honestly, I want these vampires dead.
Is there any hope anymore???? Are we all just sheep being led to the slaughter? Are we living in a fools paradise??
Thanks for the info OP.

We are sheep until we stop being sheep. Until we stop being led to the slaughter and understand that it is the people who rule. Until we stop kissing elite arse to get the crumbs from their tables.
People who need leaders will always be led...
People who believe that their leaders know better than the people are bound to be enslaved. And maybe rightly so, even, considering the wilingness to serve and be exploited.
I believe that a global revolution is necessary (and possibly imminent) and I do not mean a violent regime-change to install new leaders, but a global change in awareness.
A total change of paradigm, a change of programme, culturte and world-view.
The way we think is a direct result of the wrongs that are being done every day in the world. A direct result of centuries and even millennia of slavery. We have learned to accept authority,religious dogma and government, at the cost of autonomy. At the cost of mental/spiritual growth; the sciences have been stagnant because of the concentration on creating weapons, commercial shyte and methods of mass-control.
De-centralize government and downsize communities to regain our human dignity and self-control; we are not standard creatures and can never have standardized reactions and behaviour. Food production should be a task of nature, not a human invention. Nature provides.
As long as we deem ourselves to stand above nature, we will have people who want to use us; to redirect us.
As long as we allow ourselves to be herded into labor for the elite we will be slaves.
We cant be free without WANTING to be free...the choice is ours; we do not have to believe the lies and concoctions of elite-leaders and elite-priests. We do not have to swallow their lies and fables about immaculate birth and more of those easily debunked fabrications.
We just like to conveniently be led into not having to be (and think for) ourselves; we have been spiritually lazy, and that has taken its toll; we are being led/governed by those least equipped to do so.
People whose riches depend on us buying their garbage are not suited to be "leaders of the people."
They use money as a tool of schism, as a tool of class-distinction and we just go along with what they offer us...'we might miraculously be taken in by the elite, if we just cater to their needs' seems to be the underlying reasoning. WE OURSELVES are therefor to blame for our predicament!!We give power to the NWO by not resisting and opposing it at ALL levels.
The culture we have is the culture of the NWO; and it has been like that for a long time. To change our predicament, we have to change our culture at the root-level. AT THE LEVEL OF OUR OWN THOUGHTS AND WORLDVIEW.
Otherwise we will be robotized; dehumanized.

[edit on 5-6-2008 by dervishmadwhirler]

posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 12:00 PM
reply to post by dervishmadwhirler

Very insightful. And absolutely true. If only there were a way to
forego the misery and pain that we are all going to suffer in order to wake up a critical mass of people on this planet. It seems the ones who are sleeping are making the rest of us suffer. I would be the first to do whatever is necessary to end this crap once and for all, but,what??
If flying a plane into that GDdamn hotel and killing every single one of those bastards would solve all of this don't you think I would take the hit for humanitys sake??? Of course I would, and then in a couple of months there would be new rulers to take there place.
I think you hit the nail on the head and I loved the line "People who need leaders will always be led...I don't need a leader. I certainly do not want to BE a leader unless it is leading people to be their own leaders.
Thanks for the insight.

[edit on 5-6-2008 by cbass]

posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 12:16 PM
DARN! I normally listen to Coast to Coast am every night but I didn't get to on tuesday when Alex Jones appeared. I know he appeared for the first half hour because the website said so yesterday.

posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 11:55 PM
Alex will be the first guest on C2c tonight!!!

For those of you interested.

5 minutes to showtime !

posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 11:59 PM
ive never and dont trust mr jones and have stated so is so many other posts

there are so many things he clearly avoids that makes him seem only one track minded when in reality there are so many things that branch off from that one thing

i dont know

i know its been said he might be a disinfo

i just think hes not all in the game so to speak

totally just my opinion though

posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 12:04 AM
Wow, what' all of this...? I went to the inforwars site just to see what all of this is...

125 free iPods with 'Bildberg' engraved on the back? Information overload lol.

Oh, is c2c streamed?

*snip* Found it...

[edit on 6-6-2008 by mattguy404]

posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 12:17 AM

SS, Marines, playing national anthem at meeting= Alex told "we are going to f@#$% you up"

Intimidating MIB's , police jumping out of cars with submachine guns.

Motorcade today- Obama, Clinton, MacLame will all be there tomorrow.

Has concern: Lots of anger-media black out- lots of intimidation so far.


He was only on for 3 minutes or so.

posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 12:21 AM
George cut Alex off, just like he does to everyone. George Snorry is sure annoying.

posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 12:25 AM
reply to post by pluckynoonez
He sure is an ass. At least Art Bell will dig a little deeper and not just hang up on the person!!

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