Hello fellow ATSers! I was loosely thinking earlier today and letting my mind run wild and thought of something that might be of interest. I do not
have hard evidence on my theory/conspiracy nor did I get it from a trusted source. It's a possability that came to me as the open minded individual
that I am. So please, If your going to ask me for link, proof or anything else don't bother.
So, we all know that America is not what it used to be, or what it was ment to be. It seems that little by little our freedoms are being taken away
and the government is gaining more and more power. The astrocities that our government can do to us now would of been unthinkable 10 years ago. It
would of been something seen in a movie. Today, in the name of "anti-terrorism" and "protecting America" our government can pretty much do
anything. No questions asked. They can even strip you to your right of legal counsel if you are a "terrorist."
They are slowly going around the amendments to make this a "safer" place. The propaganda, the fear tactics everything they have been using for 7
years have started to take a toll on the American people. I think with more Americans learning more everyday and seeing what is going on around them
they have started to see the government tactics.
Obama the first black candidate with a shot at presidency in the HISTORY of the USA. Also something that would of been unheard of 10 years ago, and
only seen in movies. Now, I am not saying there is anything wrong with that, however, it does not look right either. SAME goes for Hillary, a woman
running for presidency. What a show! Spectacular!! What I am trying to get to is, in my opinion, this could be very well staged. Think about it.
The government allows this, while taking away our citizens freedom, continuing a war, trying to expand to Iran, world hunger, crumbling economic
situation, and horrific gas prices...yet managed to keep America watching this freakshow and minimizing attention to the rest. A woman and a black
man, running for presidency, a marvelous Idea to help fuel the illusion that our vote counts.
Now, many people think that McCain will be our next president because America is not ready for a woman or a minority to lead this nation. I've heard
someone say that even if Obama becomes our president that the secret service will have a tough time keepin him alive. Here's the twist, what if our
government lets Obama win, takes the illusion of voting even further to make Americans think that they still have power to choose. I, after bush won
his first term, personally believe that presidential candidates are picked by our government and not us. So, like I was saying, If Obama becomes
president, takes this nation on a nose dive, continues wars, completely takes our freedoms, and activates a nationwide police state/martial law, what
will happen then?
We would be made to believe we chose the wrong president to lead once again. Lets says Obama achieves this in 3 years, and then gets "assasinated"
by an angry citizen or "terrorist." Then the government puts in place McCain who, will probably be allowed to fix our nation some, but at the same
time sending a message that a minority will never become a presidential candidate again. The government would have achieved their goals while we just
sat there and watched. Think about it. I am not a prophet its just my theory like I said...I am very open minded. What do u think guys?