posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 05:02 AM
12. If we could trick the Universe into thinking that we were heavier than we actually are, faster than light speed become feasible.
13. I don't know how to "trick" the universe in any such way... I was just trying to help people understand that conventional science does not
impose as many limits as we are led to believe.
You do not have to redesign the laws of physics to travel extremely ridiculously fast.
As for explaining an already oversimplified analogy, that I will not do.
There is info in this thread that you will find in nowhere else, that I can assure you of. So no, I will not give away any more of my money, as the
math took years to do and the concepts alone are extremely valuable.
I will however answer any questions that you cannot figure out by looking at the given info.
Time is money and this stuff takes time. I could be working on kidney implants right now... making money, instead of trying to teach the internet a
new trick.
These are new concepts, all that is asked of you is that you think about them, even if you will never be able to apply them in your life.
14. To those of you who have researched, even slightly some of the ideas that were discussed here, I commend you all.
Apparently a misunderstanding regarding the application of the various systems discussed has arisen.
This if for a good reason, and yes I was using a basic psyche technique in my presentation. At least you noticed the effort... thank you.
Now, why has this misunderstanding arisen? On purpose.
I purposely did not clarify many of my points, causing you to do some learning which you apparently have now done. Now you want to know the rest.
15. Concerning the use of monoatomic elements;
Such elements are the primary means of propulsion within a spacecraft.
Such technology CANNOT function on earth, even in a vacuum, although tests regarding yield and energy can be conducted here on Earth.
Ask yourself why you have never heard of a particle accelerator being put in space... maybe one already has.
How would you align such unstable elements and prepare them for propulsion? Nanotubes.
A specifically constructed nanotube can be selected to hold the elements in alignment, and then be converted to plasma as both a means of heating and
further aligning the elements present within.
The materials used for such a housing mechanism must be carefully selected according to its willingness to react with monoatomic elements.
Stabilization of this "chain" is key in such device. Several other events can only happen if precipitated by this process. These events are listed
in the thread, some in "question" form.
I will add more later, I'm just glad to see we are starting to get back on the same page.
16. Remember when I said that if you could trick the universe into thinking you were heavier than you are, you could exceed light speed...
Well you would be surprised to know that you don't have "alter the vibrational state" of a vessel, as you only have to trick the universe into
think that your Primary Drive mechanism is heavier than it is.
The gov. must be very happy that civilians now know this stuff
17. Imagine you were One atom heavier than you actually are...
...You can now travel the "speed of light+1atom@assumedrate"
that is to say, the universes is now imposing limits that greater your "potential" for speed.
That is to say, being lighter than the Universe Assumes you are, you can now exceed the limitations imposed on you in your prior unaltered
But remember,it is this "potential' is what has been artificially created, using processes previously discussed. You are not actually gaining mass.