posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 11:15 AM
I remember reading, or heaing, someone quote Stephen Hawking once, when he said "time travel isnt possible, and i can prove it. Have you ever met
someone from the future"?
If time travel were possible - then that means the future has already happened. If the future is already there, then there is no doubt what so ever,
that criminals could find a way to exploit it. They always do
And since we're still here...i find it easy to believe time travel doesnt
I believe that people experience what they believe as glimpses into the future. Like when you say "I
knew that was going to happen" and you
really did think it would......I believe that to be a collection of experiences stored in your brain that revealed the beginning of a pattern that
you've seen (consciously or unconsciously) 100 times before.
Almost instinct of sorts.
Its like having a dream that you're someplace else and being awoken suddenly, still confused that you're not where you thought you were. If your
brain thinks it's true, then so does the mind
I believe that if one would keep written record of all of these occurance, where one makes predictions that come true v.s. predictions that don't, i
think they might find that the "don'ts" far outweigh the "do's"
Though im sure that there are instances that can disprove my theory
Im just speculating
[edit on 4-6-2008 by QBert]