posted on Jun, 2 2008 @ 01:42 PM
Its all over the internet how the government covers-up this that and the other thing and im sure they are guilty of most of it but when it comes to
UFO's maybe its the ET's who should really be taking the blame for not coming clean on why they take us against our will to do whatever they please
with us and not give us something in return other than a cool scoop on your arm,triangle tatt or posing for that blurry UFO pic of the month to keep
the fans happy and mantain the illusion of we thinking they are just here to have a look and maybe take back home a leaf or two....They are getting
away with things that would put a man behind bars for a while...I mean at the end of the day its they not the government who carry out all these
abductions and cow mutilations, one could say they just do the same things we do to endangered animals or whatever but animals are incapable of
negotiating unlike us, and they damn well know what so why not ask politelly and at least offer something in return for volunteering, I can so picture
the newagers quewing up for the enlightening experiece...
[edit on 2-6-2008 by SL55T0T0]