This morning I have had the most disturbing and vivid dream to date. I am a lucid dreamer so I am sure that didn't help much. but anyway...
I dreamt I was out with former coworkers and a person who could not be clearly identified. He was hazy looking, like when they try to protect someones
identity on TV but his whole body was like that. (the only way I can explain it.)
We were Sledding in Colorado, near the interstate, on small outcroppings and hills, seemed normal, except that the situation of the cites were
backwards, (Ie: places on the West side of the interstate were on the East side)
We had been out there a while just hanging out having fun, when we see other riders out and riding little hills off of the interstate, like they had
built up other snow ramps in between the large wooden power poles. When we turned around to watch them, we saw one "kid" go flying out between the
poles as the transformer exploded and shot out off the poles and landed near us. So one yelled get out the camera, so I took out my cellphone and
snapped a few pictures. I noticed that there were now Live power lines across the highway and now people were in trouble... so I ran all the way to
the road, and started walking up the highway flagging people on to side roads, (yes it was a high way so this made zero sense)
Continuing my service, I walked farther along the road directing traffic when I see a piece of the wind guards fall a short distance away. Io I
instinctively look up to see a "T" of crossing wires fall right on either side of my neck, and I knew I was gone.
Now. if this is a really the way I am to die, at least I was helping people. But it just was so odd... I have NEVER dreamt anything like this before,
everything was backwards, and the people I were with (the ones I could make out) I haven't seen in almost 6 months and I really wasn't that close to
them anyway. Also it is June! I wouldn't be sledding near a highway, in Colorado ( I don't live there but have been there many times) **Sorry for so
much mundane information but I wanted to get down as many details as possible**
Oh, and also for those who are OoBE aware, when I was struck with the wires, I slammed back into my body... Not sure what that had to do with it, dont
think I was out at the time...??
Any thoughts? suggestions? Good Psych Ward references?