posted on Jun, 2 2008 @ 05:52 AM
reply to post by CLIFFORD STONE
Hi Clifford,
Duncan Roads from Nexus Magazine here. We ran Paola Harris' interview with you in Nexus around 8 years ago, so I am fairly familiar with what you
have put into the public domain so far.
I have a couple of questions:
1) I understand you were 'okayed' to participate in the Disclosure Project Briefing. Are you able to elaborate on this a bit? Is this evidence of
some insiders wanting disclosure? Is this just insiders 'assigned to you' allowing your wishes?
2) I have observed several cases where govt/military people who have ongoing contact with ETs/UFOs are treated differently from say, military
personnel who happen to see something they shouldn't have; or come across a file or something. The latter type of person who becomes a
'whistleblower' often seem to experience threats, ridicule, slander etc. But most of the contactee types from within the military-industrial
complex seem to be spared this type of treatment. ie Dan Sherman; Charlie Hall immediately spring to mind also. The quesion is: do YOU feel that
there has been special treatment given or spared in relation to you because of your 'skills/abilities/gift'? If so, do you think this is done on
the request of the ETs?
3) What is your 'take' on the hierarchical structure of those who keep the secrets on all this? I'm not asking for names of people or groups
here, I'm more interested in what binds this hierarchy together? Is it patriotism to a country or is the 'group' transnational with no particular
national allegiance? A secret society? A religion? All of the above?
4) What is your take on disclosure? Is it ever going to happen? Will it be an honest reflection of what is going on, or will spin be put on it?
Any thoughts or feelings would be appreciated here
5) My final question is - alien politics. Assuming there are more than one lot visiting or here, does politcs between them exist? Are there
'evil' aliens bent on farming us; are various aliens at war with each other? What are your thoughts on et's we are allegedly cooperating with?
better stop there, I don't want to hog the thread.
I also want to thank you for speaking about your experiences, and sharing them with the world.
kind regards