posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 06:19 PM
So, lately I've been seeing lot's of ads... STUPID ones...
ads like these:
(oh my god, barf-o-rama.)
I can tell there's plenty of disgust based on the people's comments...
But do CEO's and whoever else comes up with the stupid (GENUINLEY NAUSEATING) advertisements REALLY..... RRREEALLLYY think we're so dull-headed and
idiotic that we can't see through the utter cheapness of such a cheesy commercial!?
What's more important: *Are* most people? I realize no one will see this and go away thinking anything more than "Gee, that sounds good!", but do
people really see these commercials and not find themselves left with a feeling of utter disgust? It's kind of a slap in the face to speak to me so
mockingly about how the world is such a different place, and CHICKEN BISCUITS ARE JUST GETTING BETTER ALL THE TIME... Like I'm supposed to be amazed
at how our world is so progressive or WHATEVER it is they are trying to get across.
And while I'm on the subject, I also find it insulting that everything is about going green, seeing as NOW it's profitable... how disgusting... and
why should I take their word for it anyhow? They would promote polluting if it were able to rake in cash, they really don't give a d**n!!!
Another thing that "grinds my gears", I guess you could say, is that all these dumb ads use the same stupid formulas, and it's sad that I haven't
heard MORE people complaining about this... More than anything at all, I am just enraged that they think anyone could be dumb enough to buy into the
I just feel like, at the same time, there are plenty of people who do, or they just accept it, and are totally apathetic... It doesn't concern them,
much less stick in their craw.