posted on Mar, 3 2004 @ 10:31 AM
As Nada said, our media is a laughing stock. It amazes me that you can have a day full of newsworthy events around the world and all that will make
the front pages of our newspapers and top stories on tv is the size of Jennifer Lopez's ass, what kids Michael Jackson touched today, or how much of
his sister's nipple we all saw.
Our media is a joke. Important stories are put on the back burner and instead we get to see how absolutely stupid our "celebrities" are.
I think the government should be applauded for this initiative. They are not shutting down all other news services. No one is saying "Only get your
news from here", they are just offering information from their end. If you choose to read your news elsewhere that's fine. But until now the
government has not done this and people have criticized them for being to tightlipped with information. So hey, what the hell... I won't take their
stuff as being the absolute authority on everything, but it can't hurt. If you think it's biased continue to get your news elsewhere.