This is something ive been thinking about recently, quite in depth...
whether we go through some huge natural disaster or a nwo takeover plan, i think i would not like to be around for the aftermath....
A natural disaster that wipes, lets say, 80% of the population... and ends life as we know it..... no i wouldnt want to stick around for that, i could
not mentally and physically cope with it..
Some kind of new world order, war, or any other government plans to take over the world and cause huge loss of life.... i wouldnt want to stick around
for that either, if you survive, you become their slaves and property..
And if my family didnt survive, i would not go on without them under any circumstances..
Now if there was an alien invasion, and they came to take over the planet for our own good, id want to live that out..... and if there was some kind
of global awakening and we all revert back to living in nature, no such thing as time, or money, some sort of utopia... then id definitely want to be
around for that!...
All in all, i do have some supplies of food put away, and do plan to make a survival kit.....but my survival kit will contain something to end it all
if need be.... i dont want to suffer and endure loss of everything that i love, i dont want to see the people turn into animals and killing each other
for scraps of food...
And if im completely honest, lets assume none of these sit-x happens, would i want to spend another 50 years living just as we are today?? with the
world as it is?? no way..... so even though i fear what might happen, the world needs to change one way or the other..
I am living my life as much as i can now, i dont make plans or think much past 2012, and if we get to that point and nothing has happened then thats
fine, but a little part of me has already accepted that these may be my last years, and that we might actually be living the last bit of normality
right now, seems things are heading downhill quite rapidly....
Morbid as this all sounds, im actually a very positive happy person!