This thread is a more evolved "Lack: Birth of Darkness". It's very different, and I think when taught this way, it conveys the message I want in a
more accessible way.
Don't take every word written as gospel. I know these things don't have a beginning or an end. But I will speak as if they did for ease of
Everything that exists has an opposite. Light, being the quality of unlimited abundance, oneness, creation, power, wisdom, and fulfillment, also has
an opposite. From the instant Light came into existence, there was an immediate need for an opposing force. So was born the Darkness.
The true nature of reality is infinite oneness. Matter is derived from Energy which is derived from Mind-substance, which springs from Spirit. The
whole of these 4 qualities can be called "God." Initially, all life had unlimited fulfillment. But there was one need that could not be fulfilled
with this model. One could not create his own fulfillment. So, in order to meet this need, Darkness was born.
From the instant Darkness emerged, it began it's grim task, it cut to ribbons the great oneness, and became the opposition to man's fulfillment that
he must conquer in order to be truly happy.
There are four primary qualities of Darkness. Ignorance, Lack, Separation, and Chaos.
In order to describe these properly, we must first explain a term. "Auto-Suggestion."
You see, there are 3 primary portions of the Mind, which we will be dealing with:
The Conscious Mind: This is the part we do our ever day thinking with. Our calculations, our conversations. It also functions to screen out
information that goes to the Subconscious Mind, which we rarely do.
The Subconscious Mind: This is the part of our Mind that defines perception. It gives shape to the world, and ourselves. Whatever we hold as true, and
have Faith in, lies in the Subconscious Mind. The Subconscious also functions as an intermediary between the Conscious Mind and the Collective Mind.
The Collective Mind: This has been called many names over the years. The Infinite Intelligence, the Collective Unconscious, Mind of God, etc. This is
the Collective of all thought and knowledge, realized, or not, throughout existence.
Auto-Suggestion is an interesting phenomenon. Anything that the Conscious Mind accepts as fact, it allows into the Subconscious Mind. Anything it
accepts repeatedly eventually becomes programed into the Subconscious and this information will be used to filter reality and ourselves in a
perceptible way.
A person can have an experience in life, and depending on what has been programmed into a person's Subconscious, they may perceive it as a natural
occurrence, a mathematically improbable event, a miraculous occurrence, luck, a coincidence, a sign of Fate, etc.
If a person grows up they will tend to believe and accept anything they are told by people of authority. Beloved pastors, political figures,
relatives. After all, these people are looking out for their greater good, so you should believe them. Well, a child can grow up, and be told by
people that people of color are inferior, and having no other reason to question this information, they accept it as truth. Meanwhile, a child
elsewhere can be taught by his or her family that people of all races are equal, they see no reason to question this belief, so they accept it.
A person man have a spiritual experience, and depending on what they've accepted, or experienced, this will determine how they interpret it. They may
attribute it to Jesus, a Buddha, Vishnu, personal revelation, hallucination, etc. Again, this is determined by Auto-Suggestion.
So, Darkness uses Auto-Suggestion to dominate people all over the world.
With the quality of Separation, Darkness divides the great oneness into "US vs. THEM." Via Auto-Suggestion, we come to identify ourselves with a
certain group, and then look at others as different. Liberal or Conservative, Capitalist, or Communist, Black, or White, Rich or Poor, Dumb or Smart,
Educated or Common Sense derived, spiritual, or atheist.
When man divides himself, he looks at people outside of his group as different. An intelligent man who calls himself a Liberal could put up a well
thought up bill. But people calling themselves Conservatives will often see the bill as foolish or corrupt, based on what values have been
The more divided we are as a people, the farther from seeing the true Unity of reality we are. By installing these artificial barriers between our
groups, we create a tension between not only people, but ideas, limiting what we will allow ourselves to understand. The more we divide information,
and puts labels on, the more parts we miss, because of our jaded perception.
The second quality of Darkness is Lack. It is the idea that we NEED something that we do not have. Now, in a world of infinite Abundance, what could
we possibly need? But, with Lack built into our belief system, we come to see that we are constantly wanting.
A thief may steal because he feels he lacks money, or items. A rapist may do his deed because he may feel he lacks the sexual thrill. A murderer may
kill because they feel they lack excitement, or thrill, or challenge, or maybe they kill for some deluded sense of freedom they feel they Lack. When a
business owner is motivated by Lack, he doesn't pass profits onto his employees, he shovels the income back into his own pockets. When politicians
feel they Lack power or influence, they tie themselves in with groups, or associations that promise to deliver the influence they desire. In this way
then, they are corrupted.
When people are motivated by Lack, they do what they need to, to remove that feeling. But it never lasts long. Even if they achieve their goal, soon
the sense of Lack creeps back in, and they must again, do some selfish thing in order to relieve for an instant that feeling.
Lack, too is a product of Auto-Suggestion. When we convince ourselves that we need something, we automatically filter the world through this idea, and
strive to acquire what it is that we do not have.
Lack: Birth of Darkness To further investigate this quality of Darkness, you may visit
this thread. I've laid it out in enormous detail.