posted on May, 31 2008 @ 07:51 PM
We all have moments and our own moment during moments of the moment we are under. He who tells you that there is no time or no such thing as time, is
in a conspiracy against moment, which means they are in a conspiracy against your moment. Moments come and go during "the" Moment. The measure put
to moment is man-made, and prolly has ppl decieved to thinking it's what time is (only a man-made concept). So actually instead of ppl asking
what time it is, they should have rather been asking what measure to 'a moment' (or: 'the moment') it is. Man-made time is as fool's gold.
It's literally fool's time. Actual moment is wise man's time.
Certain ppl act as if the moment we are under isn't the End Time or End Times when it is indeed so the End Moment or End Moments. Just how are they
eying the moment to the current world order to not see it's the End Time?
So just how are you eying the moment to the current world order? Shall it end? If you think so, then you also are saying there is a such thing as an
End Time (Moment), which you understand you dont have to be religious to give a forecast to.
1. How many of you think moment itself can be everlasting, endless, infinite, three diminsional with beginning (1st part in series) or end (last part
in series), with start (creation), with stop (destruction), without start (creation), without stop (destruction), with coming to pass, and without
coming to pass?
2. How many of you cant help but to live in the moment? Is that moment wicked or fair or good to your eying?
3. How many of you can change a moment or even "the" moment?
I must say, even when you lie still, awake or asleep, moment is always happening. Moment is so there that is beyond speed. Ahh the moment of truth,
the moment judgement, the moment of surprize, the moment of darkness, the moment of delight, etc. There is not a single person not in, out, over, and
under any moment. Yes, you can be over a moment if you are the causer/creator of it. I caused a reading moment for you by making this new
thread. You caused a bad moment for me by not responding.
By the way, if you come to have knew already all the Moment of moments as though ever before you'd be outside of measurement to placement as timeless
in an all-knew memory aspect. You'd be having an out of not yet moment witnessed/experienced. It would be like you've been to every place
before already (be it stationary or non-stationary) and done every thing before already with every person before already.
[edit on 31-5-2008 by Mabus]