posted on May, 31 2008 @ 09:56 PM
Maybe you should READ THE BIBLE, to find the answers to your questions about the Bible, Athiests. Oh wait that right, it's the "Evil Book of
Mindless Religious Vampires!!!", that thing your sooo scared of, the thing that you wont read, but you go to some "Top 10 ways to debunk the Bible"
website that is full of BS, or that stupid Zietgiest movie that has been debunked like A BILLION TIMES BY PEOPEL WHO ARENT EVEN CHRISTIANS! Seriously,
I'm getting tired of the BS athiests, when are you guys going to quit bashing something you don't even read? Know your enemy, read the Bible, or are
you too afraid to learn something?
BTW, did you know that most of the major colleges were created by Christians? Athists, there is no big conspiracy behind our beliefs, there are evil
people who claim to be Christians, just like there are evil scientists (like Darwin, who believed blacks were a lower species than whites). Seriously,
you guys ask some really stupid questions that a 5th grader could answer.
Sorry, I'm just a little fed up with all the BS I'm seeing here, I keep thinking "Oh this looks like a good... OMG this is so gay, here we go agian
for the billionth time.". Seriously, why don;t you guys try attacking a different religion? Oh wait, that's right, you guys know in your hearts that
Yeshua is real and that there is a God, you hear/feel that voice in your innermost being? That's called the Holy Spirit, right now He's shouting at
the top of His lungs for you to listen to Him, He has something He wants to tell you about, IT'S CALLED THE TRUTH! The truth that there is a God, and
He loves you and died for you so you can be with Him. Seriously guys, just listen to the Holy Spirit, quit rejecting the Truth!
God Bless,