posted on Dec, 31 2002 @ 02:08 PM
You three boys taks as an assumption that there is a just cause for our demolition of Iraq, which there isn't. You also fail to see that it's a
political exercise that goes against, in almost all of it's probable outcomes, the express pupose of why a state goes to of the
citizenry & homeland.
Based on the black hole we're in economically, it's an extremely relevant question to be concerned about cost, since the direct effect will be
further movement towards a depression under the protracted war scenario. You also forget that we need the customers for our goods.......not counting
on the backlash is also foolhardy.
The weak attempt, which you and others fail at miserably yet keep throwing up with hope, is to compare Iraq with Nazi Germany and how it will have
'grave ramifications' should we take a metered approach. PLEASE, that's such utter bullshyyt!
That they lie to your face and mine, and you still swallow your propaganda and ask for more, is some sad stuff boys.
Bobb - I thought we couldn't paste whole articles? Hence, the relevant papragraphs.
I guess the folks with kids of age to be killed in Mr. Bush's little war are more aware of when his Chief Economic Advisor quotes numbers and WON'T