posted on May, 30 2008 @ 09:16 PM
So here I am back on the whole American Social Breakdown thing again… For all you disbelievers out there here are some more “red flags”!
Everything is tied together, a snowball effect if you will- cost of gas rises, causing the cost of food to rise, environmental issues factor in and
drive the cost of food higher and higher and quite possibly could effect the gas supply (hurricanes ect), consumers can no longer buy the way they
did, retail drops, jobs are lost, unemployed people can not afford to buy food, drive cars or pay their bills including their mortgage, foreclosure
rates continue to rise, rising foreclosure rates means a further drop in real estate prices…. It is almost like a perfect storm out there! We are
set up for a HUGE FALL, I am talking about a complete economic upheaval similar to the great depression. Yes I know “technically” by the
definition we are not even in a recession but I don’t understand why economists are not examining the way they measure a recession. Wow, everyone was so happy consumer spending has gone up, however I believe that is a direct result to those
income tax checks, which were supposed to have more of an impact then a MERE 1%, “After factoring out inflation, there was no gain at all.” The
article explains about further down turns in real estate and falling home equity (termed America’s piggy bank). Consumer confidence is down to a 28
YEAR-LOW! People the American Consumer makes up 70% of the American economic activity. Corn crops! Ok so corn is a big commodity, seems weird but being high in carbohydrates it is used for many,
many things- including everything with “sugar” in it because we use high fructose CORN syrup usually as well as meat because most domestic animals
are fed a corn based diet! This will drive food prices even higher than they are currently. Finally we are at the real-estate,
even with all the NEW HELP for people with their now unaffordable mortgages, the foreclosure rates continue to go up and up and up….