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Bush administration uses IAEA report to make new demands and threats to Iran

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posted on May, 29 2008 @ 03:54 PM

Bush administration uses IAEA report to make new demands and threats to Iran

US State Department spokesman Sean McCormack declared the report to be “very troubling”, claiming it demonstrated Iran was “willfully withholding” information about “potential weaponisation”. Implying Iran was actively involved in weapons research, he added: “There are a number of different questions out there about the military’s involvement in this nuclear program, about Iran’s efforts to fabricate hemispheres of uranium. And I’m not sure other than for a weapon why you would do that.”

Even before receiving the report, US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and British Foreign Secretary David Milliband last week mooted a new round of UN sanctions on Iran over its failure to shut down its Natanz uranium enrichment plant and end construction of a heavy-water research reactor at Arak. German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier warned on Tuesday of increased international pressure, including through the UN Security Council, if Iran failed to provide “reasonable answers to our questions”.

Yesterday Rice declared that Iran “had a lot of explaining to do about the IAEA report, which essentially sees them as not cooperating on some very important dark questions that the international community has about their programs.” An article in the Jerusalem Post article reported that Israel, which has repeatedly hinted at a military attack on Iranian nuclear facilities, was “pleased” with the IAEA. An Israeli foreign ministry spokesperson declared that the report “reaffirms that Iran continues to flout UN Security Council resolutions”.

The mounting pressure on Iran is being fuelled by selective media leaks from the report, highlighting Iran’s supposed failure to provide adequate explanations to the IAEA on aspects of its past activities. The BBC headlined its story: “Iran withholds nuclear details”; the Associated Press said: “Iran may be withholding info in nuke probe”; and Agence France Press: “IAEA report turns heat up on Iran”.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 03:54 PM
It's coming whether the people want another war or not. They're going to make the case, scare the crap out of everyone, and get exactly what they want. Will there finally be protests then????

Once again an attempt is being made to ramp up a climate of fear on the basis of misleading or false statements. None of the allegations about “potential weaponisation” related to Iran’s current activities. As the Los Angeles Times noted, the IAEA report provided no evidence that any weapons program continued after 2004. Last December, a National Intelligence Estimate drawn up jointly by 16 US intelligence agencies found that Iran had abandoned research into nuclear weapons in 2003.[ex]
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 04:19 PM

Will there finally be protests then????

I think the answer to this is no - at least no more than the rather lacklustre protests that accompanied the Iraq invasion and mass-murder.

I see the same trends wherever I go. Most people now recognise we were at best misled and at worst lied to in the run-up to the Iraq war. Yet mention we're being manipulated into supporting military action against Iran and the trust in government is miraculously restored.

It's classic doublethink, where the lie is always one step ahead of the truth.

And it's sickening.

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 04:33 PM
reply to post by coughymachine

It's unfortunate, but I agree with what you're saying. We really want to believe that our government is somehow on our side, and evidence to the contrary must be ignored in order to maintain that illusion.

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 05:04 PM
Yep there is no way that the Iranian government who preaches how its their job to build a big strong army for their Mahdi to crush Iraq and Israel is making nuclear weapons. Yeah wake up and smell the roses.

Iran directly supports and funds Hesbola, Hammas and the Mahdi army in Iraq.
The U.N. would be the first ones to give Iran a free pass on the nuclear weapons deal but they cant because the evidence is overwhelming that Iran has lied to them and still are.
Iran has the one power plant that is almost on line with fuel supplied by the Russians and everyone has agreed to making this a long term deal for Iran so they can have all the nuclear power that they need.

So why do you thing they need to continue adding many centrifuges to their underground facility? The ones that are only really any good for making weapons grade plutonium. Thats the only facility that we know about when there could be more.

The point is, If you have half a brain you will come to the conclusion that they are making nuclear weapons or trying like hell.

If we do anything about it and thats a big if, All you will see is a air strike and Iran will sit back and bleed. Iran knows that to take us on would mean certain destruction of their country. Then again they are wacko and have said that they find it acceptable if they loose 3/4 of their country in a war if they still survive witch I can guaranty they wont.

The clock is ticking and Israel must launch a strike on them soon before Bushehr goes active. Unless they plan on leaving them one to use. I doubt it.

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 05:35 AM

Originally posted by Sky watcher
Yep there is no way that the Iranian government who preaches how its their job to build a big strong army for their Mahdi to crush Iraq and Israel is making nuclear weapons. Yeah wake up and smell the roses.


The clock is ticking and Israel must launch a strike on them soon before Bushehr goes active. Unless they plan on leaving them one to use. I doubt it.

I'm getting so fed up with this hyperbolic bluster.

How is it possible for you to create a 'world' in which the oppressors are the victims?

Iran has done nothing wrong - at least nothing you can prove. Sure, you can churn out propaganda and mistranslations until your heart's content. But none have any basis in demonstrable fact.

The simple facts are that the US, Israel and their coalition of the galactically stupid are globe-trotting, megalomaniacs hellbent on launching pre-emtive attacks, invading, mass-murdering and occupying nations they have no place being. Oh, and they justify doing so, for the most part, through the use of either misleading statements or lies.

Iran has attacked and invaded which countries, exactly? Go ahead and lst them.

Your view is typical of the perversity that dominates the debate about Iran. Arguing that they pose a threat when we're the ones blowing other nations into the dark ages is double standards gone mad.

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 05:42 AM
reply to post by coughymachine

Ya what he said...

Remember they are telling us the same lines of BS that they told us before Iraq.. Remember they were harboring Al CIA Da at some point then have access to WMD..

This is old, if you people fall for it, you deserve to die for these idiots.

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 05:53 AM

Dude Chill man

I'm a US Marine not in active service, retired do to injuries

This is starting to scare the hell out of me! My son is in Iraq

If we go at it with Iran, militarily we would knock the # out of them conventionally then we would be right back we are in Iraq! Now we don't just have a two front war which nobody in their right minds would fight except NAZI Germany and they lost and the USofA which with everybody helping the Britts and French resistance etc did we win now we are considering taking out IRAN

you know if you think ABOUT IT in some strange way that actually MAY work! It would be one giant front against Islam

IF YOU LIKE WAR!!!!!!!!111

and any real soldier knows

"You pray for peace but train for War!"

I'm praying for peace! Because real war SUCKS!

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 02:06 PM
Hey man I wasnt putting anything against people who go there, its just people are so caught up in the lies that they take us over the cliff also..

Think the sheep going off the cliff after 1 decides to jump..

You should see these.


These are about as real as you can get..

They sell the lies and we die for it.. People need to wake up... Its that simple.

[edit on 5/30/2008 by ThichHeaded]

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 02:30 PM
It amazes me when I hear the defending of poor Iran, the innocent loving people who never hurt anyone. To start, I do not think we should go to war with them, that would not be justified at present, but sanctions...yes. Please alo keep in mind it's the government of Iran, not the people, that are demented.

Also, someone stated that they have not attacked anyone. That isn't so. They openly sponsor terror groups so they can do the killing for them. But why should the civilized world care about some silly 'ol terrorists. Perhaps the chants of "Death to America, Death to Isreal" would be enough to convince any sane person that this "Government" is rational. No? How about their documented lying and evesivness? Not enough?

Well, I guess they will have to do more to convince some. Then when they do something even worse and the same poeple will cry about how the USA didn't do anything to help those poor people that we kept oppressed by our inaction against their crazy government.

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 02:36 PM
Also, it is not the Bush Administration that is using this report to further preasure Iran. It's the UN. Other countries also. How come we are told that you can't do anything unless the UN says so. Then the UN santions Iran and you cry foul. By your misleading title you show yourself as a Bush hater and not presenting this in an open minded way.

The problem lies on all our shoulders, as we are all part of the problem and the solution.

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 02:36 PM
Also, it is not the Bush Administration that is using this report to further preasure Iran. It's the UN. Other countries also. How come we are told that you can't do anything unless the UN says so. Then the UN santions Iran and you cry foul. By your misleading title you show yourself as a Bush hater and not presenting this in an open minded way.

The problem lies on all our shoulders, as we are all part of the problem and the solution.

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by eyes2open
It amazes me when I hear the defending of poor Iran, the innocent loving people who never hurt anyone. To start, I do not think we should go to war with them, that would not be justified at present, but sanctions...yes. Please alo keep in mind it's the government of Iran, not the people, that are demented.

Also, someone stated that they have not attacked anyone. That isn't so. They openly sponsor terror groups so they can do the killing for them. But why should the civilized world care about some silly 'ol terrorists. Perhaps the chants of "Death to America, Death to Isreal" would be enough to convince any sane person that this "Government" is rational. No? How about their documented lying and evesivness? Not enough?

Well, I guess they will have to do more to convince some. Then when they do something even worse and the same poeple will cry about how the USA didn't do anything to help those poor people that we kept oppressed by our inaction against their crazy government.

1. The people of Iran have been demented by their government's progaganda, much in the same way that Americans have been brainwashed by the propaganda machine of our own government.
2. Iran's documented lying and evasiveness? What about Bush's? Or Cheney's? It seems to me that their lying and evasiveness has caused more problems in the world, so why don't we declare war on them???
3. Let them cry. I believe that we should care about others, but even the Declaration of Independence says "whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness." It is not our right to decide for any other country when that time has come. It is their right. I'm all for helping people, but I will not support a war machine that claims to be doing what they cannot do for themselves.

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 03:06 PM

Originally posted by eyes2open
Also, someone stated that they have not attacked anyone. That isn't so. They openly sponsor terror groups so they can do the killing for them.

And we sponsor terror groups when it suits us too. Hardly the same as bombing a country into the dark ages, is it?

Also, I see you support sanctions. For what, may I ask? For not developing nuclear weapons - remember, that is the most current thinking of the US intelligence machine. Or should we sanction them because they are worried about their well-being as the result of having invading war-mongers at their border and a nuclear neighbour with an itchy trigger-finger?

And, just for balance, when did the US and Israel last disclose the full extent of their nuclear capability? Or is it okay for proven war-mongers with a track record of invading and slaughtering innocent civilians to have nuclear weapons?

If so, that's where Iran has gone wrong - it's done NO SUCH THING.

posted on May, 31 2008 @ 02:23 AM

First time posting a response here. I am Persian from Iran, have lived in America for some time now and have served in the US Marine Corp. I grew up oppressed in Iran until my mid teen's when I had the ability to move to the US.

Most people are ani Iranien Regime or Govmt, most Iraniens long for the days of the Shaw when Western culture was more accepted and when our freedoms were vast (compared to today).

It scares me to think of a Nuclear equiped Iran, it scares me because I have family there and the country is in shambles with all of the oppression. I recently visited and was deeply sadened by the state of the Govmt there.

In my eyes the USA is the greatest country on this planet. As bad as you all who think the US Govmt is bad really have no clue what being oppressed and losing your rights really are. You bicker over this and that when you live in a country that has given you everything, your job, health and prosperity.

Islamic terrorism is real and not made up by this Government or blown out of proportion by the media. Before I left Iran I was wipped 30 times just for listening to a American song at a family party. My cousins have been imprisoned just for showing to much hair or wearing too much makeup.

What many of you do not understand is that the extremist Muslims (I am Muslim but not extreme) would cut your throat in a second and not even think twice. If they did gain or build a Nuclear bomb it will be used in Europe or in the US if it could find its way here.

All througout history there has never been peace without war. The extrmist sect of my culture does not want to sit down and talk, they do not want to have tea, the only way to make them understand is with proactive attacks and their death. There is no compasion in their hearts only rage.

The US is doing what must be done to control or minimize the spread of the disturbed Islamic extremists and keep it as far away from this soil as possible. When you have a problem do you not look at the root for a solution...? The middle east is the root of the problem and must be dealt with as was Japan and Germany to allow for peace in the future.

For those who do not agree with me, reply what you will...even though you probably were never born, raised or whipped by an Islamic radical pro-terrorst country. We all know that our country (Iran) supports terrorism in Iraq and Palestine and it makes some of us laugh when foreigners disagree about it and try to paint Iran as a peace loving nation...

Wake up tomorrow and smile, feel blessed you live in such a beatiful and free country...I DO (everyday)... O and I am voting for McCain...


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