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BIN LADEN on September 11th,2001 - Rare transcript

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posted on May, 28 2008 @ 11:45 PM
Not many people know that, after September 11, 2001, Osama bin Laden issued a statement on tape that he had nothing to do with the attacks on America and that such actions were against the teachings of Islam. Americans were prevented from accessing this information because we were told that Osama could possibly have an embedded "secret code" in the tape that would alert other terrorists cells to "activate" and target other American cities.

Here is the transcript of what you were not allowed to hear from Osama bin Laden's own mouth

" I was not involved in the September 11 attacks in the United States nor did I have knowledge of the attacks. There exists a government within a government within the United States. The United States should try to trace the perpetrators of these attacks within itself; to the people who want to make the present century a century of conflict between Islam and Christianity. That secret government must be asked as to who carried out the attacks. ... The American system is totally in control of the Jews, whose first priority is Israel, not the United States."

Top Bin Laden Expert: The Tapes are Fakes

As a PhD in Islamic and Arabic Studies, I hate to say this, but I’ll say it anyway. The events of 9/11 had nothing to do with Islam. The war on terror itself is as phony as the latest “Bin Laden tape.” (Guardian 04)
It’s tough to admit because I know on which side my bread is buttered - and dropping Islam from the 9/11 equation is like dropping my bread butter-side-down. The myth that 9/11 had something to do with has poured millions into Arabic and Islamic studies. I finished my PhD in 2005, so all I have to do is keep my eyes in my pocket and my nose to the ground, parrot the party line, and I’ll be on the fast track to tenure.

The trouble is, it’s all based on a big lie. Take the recent “Bin Laden tape,” - please! That voice was no more Bin Laden than it was my late Aunt Corinne from Peoria. I recently helped translate a previously unknown Bin Laden tape, a real one from the early 90’s, back when he was still alive. I know the guy’s flowery religious rhetoric. The recent tape certainly wasn't him.

The top American Bin Laden expert agrees. Professor Bruce Lawrence, head of Duke University’s Religious Studies Department, has just finished a book of translations of Bin Laden’s speeches. He says the recent tape is a fake and that Bin Laden has been dead for years. (ABC 2004).

[edit on 28-5-2008 by IvanZana]

[edit on 28-5-2008 by IvanZana]

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 11:52 PM
Wow.... now there's a reliable source... The Pakistan Daily.

So I guess the U.S. and U.K. media outlets are controlled by the government and spout propaganda, but that the Pakistan Daily represents a free and unbiased media source that only reports the truth, and would never fabricate self-serving stories, right?

What's next? Are you going to be quoting from the Hamas Herald or the Al-Qaeda Times?

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 11:53 PM
These information may not have been leaked to the citizens of America, But I'm pretty sure I heard this on the day it took place.

I do however live in Australia.

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 10:07 AM
We should probably empty out our prisons then, because every one of those guys will tell you they didn't do it.

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 10:19 AM

Originally posted by Unkle Greggo
We should probably empty out our prisons then, because every one of those guys will tell you they didn't do it.

well, no, they won't many people do infact plead guilty. Also, Terrorist will often also plead guilty, usually via a video telling the target of there attack it was "us", "we did this" and then they follow with the ideology which motivated the terrorist attack. We didn't see this with 9-11. You arguement is ridiculous and presumptious.

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 06:31 PM
reply to post by IvanZana

You're right, IvanZana....I remember hearing this, too. And then shortly after that his tape appeared "claiming" responsibility. I remember thinking at the time how odd that was. I have two points to bring up:

1) Why is it that people refuse to question it's authenticity? Look at what we're able to do with imagary, graphics and special effects. I'd imagine those in places of power would have even greater technical abilities, we could be fooled so easily, even the experts would be left scratching their heads. and,

b) I find it amazing that this country was caught so off guard and reacted so slowly as the events unfolded, yet were quickly able to deduce Al Qaeda was responsible and even had the names of the hijackers, if I remember correctly, within hours.

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 08:36 PM

Originally posted by cnm1976
These information may not have been leaked to the citizens of America, But I'm pretty sure I heard this on the day it took place.

I do however live in Australia.

No, it's not just you. And this transcript is not "rare." I also read it, years ago, and two other (different) sources where OBL said the same thing! And I live in the US!

Wake up people; you are truly ignorant if this is news to you. All US media is owned by monster US corporations, like GE, which also manufactures bombs for Iraq and Afghanistan.

The "confession" tape was found by US Army, supposedly in the basement of a bombed-out house in Afghanistan. A home video, supposedly. Ok? How is that more reliable than actual newspapers in that region? What is the bigger conflict of interest? Just because the newspapers are in a Muslim country they lie, compared to our military? Are we racist now (duh)? Why would Bin Laden do something so dramatic and obviously meant for TV, just to deny it to at least three different sources in the region? Honestly, why do so many stupid Americans even try to think anymore? It's a shame we can't hand over some of these brains to more civilized animals, because I'm sure some of them would get more use out of the organ.

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 06:58 PM
HE said he didnt do it.

Why would he lie about it?

Why arent there car bombs going off in ny?>

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 07:17 PM
reply to post by IvanZana

But then he said he did.

You decide WHEN he was lying.

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 07:26 PM

Originally posted by IvanZana
HE said he didnt do it.

Why would he lie about it?

Why arent there car bombs going off in ny?>

In the mid-80s I travelled to Libya, where I interviewed several 'terrorists' and hijackers, from a variety of north african nations.

One thing I learned, that was any event of significance, ie 911, would be immediately 'claimed' by some group or another.

Bin Laden had nothing to do with 911, and I do not believe ANY 'genuine' islamic extremist group acting on its own accord was responsible for it either. This is a 100% spook operation, and if people want proof of this, they need look no further than the work Daniel Hopsicker did on tracing Mohammed Atta and the people behind his 'flight training'.

911 was an inside job - poorly executed - and poorly covered up. It was needed as a trigger for war.

I'm on several groups, where people are still arguing over the tedium of JFK's assassination - so I am sure that 911 will be a distraction for the next decade at least.

What readers need to decide inside themselves, is whether they want the USA to continue leading attacks on other sovereign nations - or not.


posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 07:33 PM
Hi Ivan
man....even if its is not authentic.....this still sums it up
in a quick way

"There exists a government within a government within the United States. The United States should try to trace the perpetrators of these attacks within itself; to the people who want to make the present century a century of conflict between Islam and Christianity. That secret government must be asked as to who carried out the attacks."

I love all races, creeds, colors.. we are supposed to be brothers.
the ones responsible for carrying on this religious battle of BS
need to mellow and get a life ....

[edit on 19-6-2008 by Maya432]

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 07:34 PM
reply to post by nexusmagazine

Daniel Hopsicker ?

Post a link to his fact based work please.

Thank you

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 07:48 PM

Originally posted by ThroatYogurt
reply to post by nexusmagazine

Daniel Hopsicker ?

Post a link to his fact based work please.

Thank you

Wow - you've never heard of him? He has done more solid, fact-based research on Mohammed Atta, and the 'alleged flight training' than any other researcher or journalist.

His website is:

If his stuff hasn't already been discussed ad nauseum on ATS, then it just shows how uninformed people are on 911.

His research alone shows 911 was an inside job - using spook operations and assets. He has the names, dates, times and places. It has been sitting there, and has been discussed on thousands of forums and websites.


posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 07:49 PM

Originally posted by bsbray11
Wake up people; you are truly ignorant if this is news to you. All US media is owned by monster US corporations, like GE, which also manufactures bombs for Iraq and Afghanistan.

I'm with you. (Hi, How's it going, by the way!) I remember hearing it. I believed it. I still do. And much of what he said is also turning out to be not only true but obvious.

I'm SORRY that this is news to some people, but better late than never, eh?

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 01:39 AM

Originally posted by nexusmagazine

Wow - you've never heard of him? He has done more solid, fact-based research on Mohammed Atta, and the 'alleged flight training' than any other researcher or journalist.

His website is:

Muslims flying Air Jesus—that has to date been reported nowhere but in the MadCowMorningNews

posted on Jun, 23 2008 @ 07:33 AM

Originally posted by jamie83
Wow.... now there's a reliable source... The Pakistan Daily.

So I guess the U.S. and U.K. media outlets are controlled by the government and spout propaganda, but that the Pakistan Daily represents a free and unbiased media source that only reports the truth, and would never fabricate self-serving stories, right?

What's next? Are you going to be quoting from the Hamas Herald or the Al-Qaeda Times?

yes me too i sy what's next ?

posted on Jun, 23 2008 @ 07:39 AM
I heard same thing in UK on the day, reports that bin laden didn't do it but was happy that it had happened.
I'm pretty sure had he done it, he'd be shouting it from the rooftops, but then who knows?
Who is ever gonna know who did it or what really happened?

It's all theories and speculation.

posted on Sep, 11 2008 @ 08:53 AM
reply to post by IvanZana

I remember this story from 911. Bin laden denies any involvement and says that it was done by elelmnts withing the u.s and israel.

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