Okay so I think that the Govt. is watching me, but not just me, my whole family! My dad used to work for the NSA and he had to go through the whole
sworn to secrecy bit and he said that there were many things that he wasn't aloud to talk anyone about them. I think that the Govt. is watching to
make sure that he doesn't spill the beans! Tell what you think and weather or not they are watching you too....
I know of a guy who was in the CIA who didn't attend one of the de-briefings. The CIA issued a low-level warrant (traffic), he had to stay in jail
for a while until he got the point.
The CIA to me seems kind of sketchy. They seem like they would go in your house looking like plumbers or A/C guys and plant camera's and bugs in your
house while you were away.
" Does Anyone Else Think That the Government is Wathing them? "
It doesn't matter.
Whether or not you're being watched, changes nothing
What really matters is, where are you going when this earth age ends!
But prior to that, you will be put on the spot and given a choice to worship an image and go along with the crowd, or choose something else. The
choice will come after we go thru a serious and quite deadly situation.
I have no doubt about it. To varying degrees, at various times, and for various reasons. I have been directly approached, as have members of my
I can't go into too much detail, but the most violent intervention had to do with attempts to publish a book. In the end, they won and the book did
not get published.
Other times I never figured out the reason(s). Once you're on their radar though, they don't forget you. This is something I have dealt with most of
my life.
They all are - the face recognition tech is pretty good these days, but the easiest citizen to track is in his/her car. The license plate is linked to
your ownership of the vehicle and is easily read and tracked by the millions of speed cameras in the uk and usa.
I know someone who was in her car, tossed a cigarette butt out of the window and a week later got fine in the post for littering!!!
they are watching all the time
I remembering hearing a news report on television where the police were able to use the computer monitor that was in a home that was in a hostage
situation as a camera to look into the home!
I'm not exactly sure how that worked but the were able to reverse the monitor to see
That sounds like hacking into a Web Cam or some sort of camera linked to the computer. The govt. can tap into any CPU in the world when ever they
They have also fried several of my cell phones, while I was talking on them. Sometimes they would kill it, for just an hour or so. Other times the
phone was destroyed. There were other anomalies associated with this as well. On at least two ocassions, a bright red light was focused on my
residence, like the scene in Close-Encounters.