posted on May, 29 2008 @ 08:12 PM
I also have to take issue with the "no major hurricanes" thing, but it's an interesting theory...... sort of like the enigmas of quantum mechanics,
you look at it, you can't measure it... you measure it, you can't pinpoint it's location. Pretty good ;o)
So, just in case, in keeping with your theorum, I predict the Yellowstone caldera will blow ummmmmmm...... September 17th, at 8:05 a.m. EST. So we
ought to be safe until then.
Now, if we consider that there might be not only alternate universes, but INFINITE universes, then the variables of the shockwaves rolling might be
wreaking havoc in many of these alternates as we speak. OR! Perhaps we are an alternate clone of someone else's reality.
Yah. I need to cut down on espresso.
Cool thread, thanks