posted on May, 27 2008 @ 07:15 PM
I have found myself upon this site, many a time prior to now, And although my own curiosity had drew me towards these, interestingly creepy posts, I
never really did make an account, or become closer to this community of truth-seekers.
I guess I shall start by telling you a little about myself.
My alias is Jade. I am a 22 year old woman, who has always had an interest [more so now] in anything conspiracy, or what others would consider one
"loony" over.
I am by no means gullible, however I am always open to the possibility of "something". [ie: extraterrestrial beings, government conspiracies, etc. ]
I don't consider myself a skeptic, because I truly do believe in a lot, but its not the general paranoia, its more, "I know its going on, there is
no way possible that nothing is happening" type of thing. That, and of course the small tiny paranoia that my government is totally screwing with not
only me, but others in this country....
On that note, I am not sure what else to write, so I will leave it at that.
Thank you beforehand for the warm welcomes!