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The 20 year presidential curse and Bush.

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posted on Mar, 1 2004 @ 11:36 PM
I'm sure many of you know about the 20 year presidential curse and the people it's claimed. Heres the list:
Beginning in 1840, and in each consecutive twenty-year presidential administration through 1960, the incumbent President has died in office. The "Twenty Year Curse" was supposedly cast upon the presidency at the hands of an unknown Indian Chief.

1840 - William Henry Harrison......pneumonia
1860 - Abraham Lincoln......assassination
1880 - James Garfield......assassination
1900 - William McKinley.......assassination
1920 - Warren Harding........heart failure
1940 - Franklin Roosevelt.......cerebral hemorrhage
1960 - John Kennedy.....assassinated

1980 - President Reagan...Although he did not die in office, he was shot and nearly killed by an assassin.
The President was also diagnosed by some as having developed Alzheimer's disease while in office.

Well Bush has made it this far and I seriously doubt that a fly could get close enough to poop on his food much less someone assinate him but lots of these other died of diseases. I am not a Bush fan and really wouldn't mind. God forbid now I am forever going to be monitered by the bush hound government forever for this.

posted on Mar, 1 2004 @ 11:41 PM
Speaking of an Indian Chief that supposedly put the curse on the presidency, wonder about that as I believe it was Prescott Bush who supposesdly dug up Geronimos remains to use in the Skull and Bones rituals,sure is something to think about.

posted on Mar, 1 2004 @ 11:57 PM

Originally posted by Hoppinmad1

1980 - President Reagan...Although he did not die in office, he was shot and nearly killed by an assassin.
The President was also diagnosed by some as having developed Alzheimer's disease while in office.

and Reagan broke the curse by battling his gun shot wound and then ending the Cold War, what a guy!

posted on Mar, 2 2004 @ 03:22 AM

You might want to stop with all the impeach Bush, Bush should be assassinated stuff. I personally don't care one way or the other but in the news a while back an Army Officer was brought up on UCMJ charges for a letter to the editor that was anti Bush, and some of the Soldiers in Iraq were reprimanded for what they said about Rumsfeld.

From your other posts it's pretty clear you are in the Army and you are stationed somewhere in Area I most likely Camp Casey. Bush is your Commander in Chief. He is in your chain of command. You are not allowed under UCMJ to say the things you have said. Remember respect the rank not the man. Just a suggestion.

Now for all you who read this and start screaming about the First Amendment and freedom of speech.


He knows what he can and can't do. If I am wrong and you aren't in the military, I appologize.

posted on Mar, 2 2004 @ 04:05 AM

Respect Bush. AHHAHAHAHA

He's the biggest idjiot i've ever seen.
Respect him? He lies constantly to the public.
Respect that?
Where is his respect?
He spits on the world and his own people.
Respect someone like Bush?

I can respect the rank. But to respect some spazwank like bush who has that rank? Nah buddy

And dont u know he STOLE that rank?

[Edited on 2-3-2004 by DaRAGE]

posted on Mar, 2 2004 @ 04:12 AM
I never said respect Bush. Actually I said respect the RANK, not the man. It's a common military saying. It's what you say to a soldier when an officer who is not respected walks by and the soldiers have to salute him.

It's clear you were never in the military. It is important to maintain good order and discipline otherwise the whole system breaks down. Hoppinmad1 knows what he should and shouldn't do.

posted on Mar, 2 2004 @ 05:33 PM

Originally posted by Hoppinmad1
Well Bush has made it this far and I seriously doubt that a fly could get close enough to poop on his food much less someone assinate him but lots of these other died of diseases. I am not a Bush fan and really wouldn't mind. God forbid now I am forever going to be monitered by the bush hound government forever for this.

The NeoCons are in charge. They would kill Bush just as quick as anyone else to move their agenda forward.

The enemy is within.

posted on Mar, 2 2004 @ 06:10 PM

Originally posted by Hoppinmad1
Well Bush has made it this far and I seriously doubt that a fly could get close enough to poop on his food much less someone assinate him

As long as he keeps away from pretzels he should be ok

posted on Mar, 2 2004 @ 09:10 PM

Originally posted by Soldier

You might want to stop with all the impeach Bush, Bush should be assassinated stuff. I personally don't care one way or the other but in the news a while back an Army Officer was brought up on UCMJ charges for a letter to the editor that was anti Bush, and some of the Soldiers in Iraq were reprimanded for what they said about Rumsfeld.

From your other posts it's pretty clear you are in the Army and you are stationed somewhere in Area I most likely Camp Casey. Bush is your Commander in Chief. He is in your chain of command. You are not allowed under UCMJ to say the things you have said. Remember respect the rank not the man. Just a suggestion.

Now for all you who read this and start screaming about the First Amendment and freedom of speech.


He knows what he can and can't do. If I am wrong and you aren't in the military, I appologize.

First of all you are very wrong. Like you said an Army Officer was punished under UCMJ. I am enlisted. It is against army rules for an Officer to slander his superiors whether they are in the whitehouse or not. I never said assasinate bush either. I said I wouldn't mind if the 20 year curse was still going strong. Trust me I am willing to die for my country but not for a bunch of oil crooks and liars. I supported the war in iraq untill I found out that they were lying to us all along and then when they started spending rediculous amounts of taxpayer money of the war. I personally hate bush. Why because I know I will finish my tour here in korea which is one year away from my wife and 2 children, and then go to the states and get sent to the desert to fight a war that should never have been started. I have many friends including my bests friend who has been once and will go again soon and his wife has cirvical cancer. All the crap they used to incite war in the american people turned out to be lies. Like I said before if bush has done no wrong let him testify under oath then lets have an investigation. So yes my freedom of speech does apply I am just a sorry enlisted nobody.
I just want to add this is also election year do I not have the right to get involved in political debates? I vote like everyone else and regardless of whether I respect bush or not I will speak my mind. As for respecting the rank, I will respect those that respect me and are willing to die along beside of me. If bush had any balls he would've drove into iraq in a convoy or openly announced he was coming on thanksgiving and he would not have weaseled his way out of the vietnam war.

[Edited on 2-3-2004 by Hoppinmad1]

posted on Mar, 3 2004 @ 02:54 AM
You are right, you are safe under article 88 of UCMJ, but unfortunately not under article 134. It's the catch all for all things that negatively affect good order and discipline.

Like I said, I don't care one way or the other what you say, but in the current environment, it might be a good idea not to express strong anti Bush sentiment in a public forum where you have previously stated you are in the military.

Now as for the continuous deployments; you are entitled to a 6 month stabilization upon your return from Korea. You will be pressured to waive your stabilization but you are entitled to it. If they try to force you, go to IG and they will straighten it out. Did your friend try to get a compassionate reassignment?

posted on Mar, 3 2004 @ 07:37 AM

Originally posted by tracer
Speaking of an Indian Chief that supposedly put the curse on the presidency, wonder about that as I believe it was Prescott Bush who supposesdly dug up Geronimos remains to use in the Skull and Bones rituals,sure is something to think about.

Yea talk about brings bad karma to a presidency. Nothing like performing rituals with the remains of dead people to make sprits mad.

posted on Mar, 3 2004 @ 07:41 AM
Think about it, if something happened to Dubya, Cheney would take over. The coup would be complete.

posted on Mar, 3 2004 @ 11:07 PM

Originally posted by Soldier
You are right, you are safe under article 88 of UCMJ, but unfortunately not under article 134. It's the catch all for all things that negatively affect good order and discipline.

Now as for the continuous deployments; you are entitled to a 6 month stabilization upon your return from Korea. You will be pressured to waive your stabilization but you are entitled to it. If they try to force you, go to IG and they will straighten it out. Did your friend try to get a compassionate reassignment?

1344 that states:
It is DoD policy that a member of the Armed Forces (hereafter referred to as "member") is encouraged to carry out the obligations of a citizen.  While on AD, however, members are prohibited from engaging in certain political activities.  Subject to the guidelines in enclosure 3, the following DoD policy shall apply: A member on AD may: Register, vote, and express his or her personal opinion on political candidates and issues, but not as a representative of the Armed Forces. Make monetary contributions to a political organization. Attend partisan and nonpartisan political meetings or rallies as a spectator when not in uniform. A member on AD shall not: DODD 1344.10, June 15, 1990 Use his or her official authority or influence for interfering with an election; affecting the course or outcome of an election; soliciting votes for a particular candidate or issue; or requiring or soliciting political contributions from others. Be a candidate for, or hold, civil office except as authorized in paragraphs 4.2. and 4.3., below. Participate in partisan political management, campaigns, or conventions.

Now I have never taken part in campaigns or conventions and considering I am just an E-4 I sure as hell don't have any influence enough to affect the outcome of the election.
The article states I may register to vote and express my opinion but not as a representitive of the armed services. I never in any of my posts said "Hey I am in the army and this is what I think." I never even mentioned I was in the military in any of my political posts untill the one where you mentioned that I was in the military. From now on I might add a little disclamier.
My views do not express in any way the views of the U.S. armed forces.

As for the 6 months stabilization tell that to the guy I worked guard duty with today that has been to Kosovo 6 months, Afghanistan 8 months, Iraq 10 months, and is now facing a 1 year tour in korea dependent restricted. Good of 101st airborne. He's married also. My friend also has a specialty mos he repairs laser sighting systems so he is going.
Do I hate bush for a reason? Oh yeah and plenty of others also.

[Edited on 3-3-2004 by Hoppinmad1]

posted on Mar, 3 2004 @ 11:48 PM
Bush should not be respected.

posted on Mar, 3 2004 @ 11:55 PM
i dont think this will happen to Bush. not only is his family too rich and powerful, it's no longer really a viable option as it was really just a simple ritual designed to please freemasons.

for one thing, they tried this with reagan and his valiant secret service men did their jobs worthy of eternal recognition. it's not easy task to place your life in front of someone else's. god have mercy on their souls.

additionally, since the kennedy assasination, the secret societies who like to keep these coinkidinks in numerical order have been less motivated to act out these rituals because of the ever-increasing public awareness of these secret socieites. no one who knows about the kennedy assasination will let it go, and this is one hell of a thorn under their collective skin.

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