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9-11: The Florida Connection!!!

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posted on May, 26 2008 @ 04:09 PM


The Israeli Network in Florida

Part 1

Florida was the central networking base and staging area for the "false flag" terror attacks of 9-11. Fifteen of the nineteen Arabs allegedly involved in the hijackings, for example, lived and had their base of operations in South Florida.

"False flag" means a crime which is designed to be blamed on others in order to achieve a strategic and political goal for the real perpetrator of the crime. To understand how this strategy is used in false flag terror operations I recommend reading The Little Drummer Girl by John Le Carré and watching the movie by George Roy Hill. Victor Ostrovsky's books about the Mossad are also recommended reading.

The Little Drummer Girl was written with input and advice from many Mossadniks, including a former head of Israeli military intelligence. Most of the book deals with the way Mossad creates a completely false history for a Palestinian "terrorist" by leaving a trail of traces across Europe.

Please read more here

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[edit on 26/5/2008 by Mirthful Me]

posted on May, 26 2008 @ 05:15 PM
People, like me, who live in SouthWest Florida know about these people.
Atta was living only a few miles from me and I know people who knew him.
I mentioned in two other threads that my friend's wife did buisness with these people, in Venice.Shortly before 9/11 they traveled around town, like a crew, rideing jammed together in a car.The apparent head of the crew was the owner of the flight school at Venice Airport.
They got their money from someone in Naples Florida.
This organization was basically the same ones who were smuggling cocain into the airport. They were connected to the CIA.
The "official" story is that Atta drove to Portland, Maine to catch a flight to Boston, Logan.
Funny thing is that (and there are records, and the FBI has them) Atta was in Venice on the afternoon of 9/10.

posted on May, 26 2008 @ 05:33 PM
reply to post by jmdewey60

For someone who knows people that knew him, you don't give much information out. What did your friends think of him? What was he like? How was his English... etc.

posted on May, 26 2008 @ 11:01 PM
Who was governor of Florida during the training of these 911 hijackers at florida flight schools?
They also lived near or on military bases.

Were they all part of the exercises too?

[edit on 26-5-2008 by IvanZana]

posted on May, 26 2008 @ 11:20 PM

If you ever look at S. Florida crime and Israelis, you have got to look at Daniel Hopsicker's info.


Also, the August 23 date that has the Mossad tipping off the CIA is very, very interesting at this point in the timeline. How does the Mossad know at this point?


On August 23, Israeli Mossad reportedly gives his name to the CIA as part of a list of 19 names they say are planning an attack in the near future. Only four of the names are known for certain - Nawaf, Atta, Marwan and al-Mihdhar. [8][9]
Marwan's motel registration

On August 26th, Marwan signs into the Panther Motel in Deerfield Beach, Florida, paying $500 cash saying he wants to stay until the 2nd, and listing a Mailboxes Etc. as his permanent address. His register entry indicates that he is driving a blue Chevrolet, assumed to be the one rented by Atta two weeks prior, and manager Richard Surma said that he bent rules to allow Marwan to have another man as an overnight guest. On August 28th Marwan went to the Miami International Airport, where he purchased his ticket for Flight 175, accompanied by an unknown man . [10] On September 9th, the motel manager cleaning the room al-Shehhi had vacated finds a bag containing a German/English dictionary, a protractor, flight manuals and local airport listings. Another employee later reported finding a box cutter.


Wide-open country

Richard Surma began chasing the American dream in 1950, as a war refugee from Poland, when his family fled Europe for Wisconsin. He caught it on A1A in Deerfield Beach, just north of Fort Lauderdale, in the form of a 22-room motel across the hot blacktop from the white sand and azure sea. The Panther Motel & Apartments. Mecca in winter for refugees fleeing the cold North.

The Panther is beige, with a common balcony outside the second-floor rooms. It is Surma's third and largest hotel. The first he bought 10 years ago, while working as a maintenance man for a Deerfield Beach condominium complex.

On Sept. 10, a day before the World Trade Center was reduced to rubble, Surma was gathering the garbage for the weekly pickup when he found a few treasures in Room 12: A flight manual for a Boeing 757. A book on martial arts. A black canvas bag. An English-German dictionary he figured would help him with his German guests.

Buried in a dresser drawer, he found a utility knife with a razor blade.

For the past two weeks, the room had been occupied by two Middle Eastern men, Marwan al-Shehhi and a man he identified only as his brother. Two days after the attack, as news emerged that the hijackers had been flight students in Florida, Surma thought about that flight manual. He flagged down a Broward County sheriff's deputy on A1A and told him what he found. FBI agents arrived soon after and took Room 12 apart.

The men rented the double room Aug. 26. Left on Sept. 9. Al-Shehhi checked in under his real name. They never used the phone. Prepared most meals in the kitchenette. Went out some. A third man visited daily, parking at a hotel next door and walking to the Panther. All three were polite and spoke English well. Paid the $500 bill in cash.

[edit on 26-5-2008 by baiter]

posted on May, 26 2008 @ 11:42 PM
Air Force officer disciplined for saying Bush allowed September 11 attacks
Hijacker attended US military school

By Jerry Isaacs
21 June 2002

A US Air Force officer in California recently accused President Bush of deliberately allowing the September 11 terror attacks to take place. The officer has been relieved of his command and faces further discipline. The controversy surrounding Lt. Col. Steve Butler’s letter to the editor, in which he affirmed that Bush did nothing to warn the American people because he “needed this war on terrorism,” received scant coverage in the media.

The letter provoked immediate retaliation against the 24-year Air Force veteran. Butler was transferred from the Monterey installation and threatened with court martial under Article 88 of the military code, which prohibits officers from publicly using “contemptuous words” against the president and other officials.

Last week the Air Force announced it had concluded its investigation of the case and suggested Butler would likely face “nonjudicial punishment,” such as a fine or a letter of reprimand, rather than a stiffer sentence. If he refuses this punishment, however, Butler, who is ready to retire, could still face a court martial.

The issue is a particularly sensitive one for the Pentagon and the Bush administration. While many people believe that the Bush administration viewed September 11 as a priceless opportunity to implement an ultra-reactionary program of militarism and repression, Butler is different. His military assignment brought him into contact with at least one of the alleged hijackers.

Shortly after September 11, several US news outlets reported that Saeed Alghamdi—named as taking part in the hijacking of United Airlines Flight 93, which crashed in western Pennsylvania—had taken courses at the Defense Language Institute, the US military’s primary foreign language facility, where Butler was a leading officer overseeing students (essentially, dean of students).

Alghamdi, a 41-year-old Saudi national, was one of several alleged hijackers, including accused ringleader Mohamed Atta, who reportedly trained at US military facilities, according to a series of articles published between September 15 and 17 in the Washington Post, Newsweek magazine, the New York Times and several other newspapers.

On September 15, Newsweek reported: “U.S. military sources have given the FBI information that suggests five of the alleged hijackers of the planes used in Tuesday’s terror attacks received training at secure U.S. military installations in the 1990s.”

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 07:03 PM

Originally posted by baiter

On September 15, Newsweek reported: “U.S. military sources have given the FBI information that suggests five of the alleged hijackers of the planes used in Tuesday’s terror attacks received training at secure U.S. military installations in the 1990s.”

Good find.

Who was governer of florida in 2001?

posted on Aug, 15 2009 @ 11:16 AM

Originally posted by IvanZana

Originally posted by baiter

On September 15, Newsweek reported: “U.S. military sources have given the FBI information that suggests five of the alleged hijackers of the planes used in Tuesday’s terror attacks received training at secure U.S. military installations in the 1990s.”

Good find.

Who was governer of florida in 2001?

Easy, that was Jeb Bush..... Hmmmmm..... odd connection I dont think that it was a coincidence.

posted on Aug, 15 2009 @ 07:02 PM
reply to post by CaptainAmerica2012

I live in northern NJ - there are half dozen locations within few miles
of me where 9/11 terrorists stayed in days up to Sept 11

Check out James Bamford "THE SHADOW FACTORY"

Goes into detail of locations in NJ where terrorists lived and meet

From NY Times Sept 27, 2001

But now that the man who took the lease has been identified as a hijacker, the apartment in the three-story house at 486 Union Avenue has been identified as a hub for those who planned the suicide missions of Sept. 11. Here, hijackers from all four of the flights were able to meet, or at least cross paths, in the months before the attacks.

The one-bedroom apartment was rented in early spring by Hani Hanjour, who is believed to have been at the controls of the flight that hit the Pentagon. His landlord and neighbors said he had at least one roommate. It is not clear how many of the hijackers ever stayed at the apartment, but neighbors identified Salem Alhamzi and Nawaq Alhamzi, who were also on the flight from Dulles International Airport, as visitors and possibly roommates of Mr. Hanjour.

The hijackers left other footprints across New Jersey. Several times during the summer, Mr. Hanjour and Nawaq Alhamzi rented cars at a dealership in nearby Wayne. And Nawak Alhamzi and Salem Alhamzi gave addresses in Wayne and Fort Lee, both of which are Mail Boxes Etc. stores. Marwan al-Shehhi, a hijacker on the second Boston flight, was identified as a customer by at least one sales clerk at the Willowbrook Mall in Wayne.

Hijackers rented airplane for test flights, used to work in building across
road from airport

Used computers in library of William Paterson State University to book
flights - one of my friends worked at library. All the people there
interrogated by FBI

So what is your point?

Hijackers spent as much time in NJ - yet don't see you whining about that

Investigators tracing the activities of the hijackers determined that, on four occasions in August of 2001, individuals using Internet accounts registered to Nawaf Alhamzi and Khalid Almihdhar - 9/11 hijackers - used public access computers in the library of a state college in New Jersey," Wainstein testified before a House Judiciary subcommittee.

"The computers in the library were used to review and order airline tickets in an Internet travel reservations site," he said.

On Aug. 30, 2001, someone using Alhamzi's account logged on to a computer at the school to check on travel reservations for Sept. 11, 2001, that had already been made, he added.

Wainstein did not identify the college, but an official with William Paterson University in Wayne said that shortly after the attacks, investigators seized several public-access computers from the college's library

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 12:03 AM
Sounds like they left an intentional paper trail to sell the story that they did it and not the United States Air Force.

There were wargames on 911 that shadowed the attacks. Did atta have some secret knowledge of these wargames so they can byass the worlds most expensive air defense system by mimicking the anti hijacking exercises taking place on 911?

What are the odds that the U.s and Norad were conducting live fly training exercises using real commercial aircraft and fake blips on a radar screen that were aimed at the WTC?

What are the odds that the plane that hit the pentagon aimed right for the re-enforced wedge that was just completed that year meant to protect it from a missile, bomb or plane crash?

You cant steal a caddilac without norstar disabling the vehicle after the police have been notified. Are we to believe that the common man has higher anti hijacking technology in their cars then the highly monitored planes?

Obviously 911 was planned not by Ossama but by the same people who took us to war in Afghanistan and Iraq.

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 01:50 AM
Originally posted by CaptainAmerica2012

There were wargames on 911 that shadowed the attacks. Did atta have some secret knowledge of these wargames so they can byass the worlds most expensive air defense system by mimicking the anti hijacking exercises taking place on 911?

What are the odds that the U.s and Norad were conducting live fly training exercises using real commercial aircraft and fake blips on a radar screen that were aimed at the WTC?

What are the odds that the plane that hit the pentagon aimed right for the re-enforced wedge that was just completed that year meant to protect it from a missile, bomb or plane crash?

Not sure if you are aware of the 7/7 London bombings of 2005, exactly the same scenario, simulated war games depicting exactly what happened, as you`re an odds man here`s the odds of an identical terrorist attack happening, to any other country within a 10 year threshold of 9/11....

3,715,592,613,265,750,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 to 1.

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by CaptainAmerica2012

You cant steal a caddilac without norstar disabling the vehicle after the police have been notified. Are we to believe that the common man has higher anti hijacking technology in their cars then the highly monitored planes?

So what are you going to do? Shut down the engines in flight ?

Makes about as much sense as your other posts

Which isnt much.....

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 08:04 AM

Originally posted by thedman
reply to post by CaptainAmerica2012

You cant steal a caddilac without norstar disabling the vehicle after the police have been notified. Are we to believe that the common man has higher anti hijacking technology in their cars then the highly monitored planes?

So what are you going to do? Shut down the engines in flight ?

Makes about as much sense as your other posts

Which isnt much.....

Or we can do it using your logic and let them hit thier targets killing thousands of people and launch a bunch of wars in result of it.

[edit on 17-8-2009 by CaptainAmerica2012]

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