posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 06:44 AM
Ive replayed the videos again as there is so much information in them and I still think they are of great importance. I know from reading other
threads that this federation is seen as rubbish by many but its message to me still rings true.
Its not a religion, it seeks no control, and gives no illusions. They state there is no death just evolution. Ascension is still seen as death and
floating off into the clouds by many and this image needs to be changed.
The chakra energies will allow us to see people for what their real life force is, not what they want us to percieve them as. I have been critised on
the ascension thread for saying negativity effects me and a true ascended person would only feel pure love. Yes an ascended person would, but I have
not ascended and I need to experience the negative side of the light to truely know what pure love is. I see negativity and feel it while on Earth
this is unavoidable, all we need to do is reject it, yet accept it is there.
To fully understand the light we need to experience the dark that is within the light so that when the time comes we can make an informed choice.
He says greed and power with extreme ego is keeping man back..well yes of course it is. Love and light are needed for change.
How true when he says cities on earth are like a cancer to our planet, they are eating away at it, hurting its natural energy, no wonder the Earth is
ready for change. We can not continue to use our planet as our primary energy source, we are literally burning our life force to death.
Choose life, love , light and positivity. Simply choices that will bring big changes.