posted on May, 26 2008 @ 08:06 AM
Originally posted by paul76
Why the hell would you want another Clinton in charge? She's corrupt, she lies, she's plastic, she's just another puppet with an army of spin
doctors backing her up.
Amen, I couldn't have said it better myself.
Bill is ruining Hillary's race because he wants to be President, which is not going to happen. There is tension between the two, but I assume Bill
would rather be First Lady than not in the white house at all.
The first male first lady. That's a first
. I hope he can fit into woman's clothing as he's going to have to dress the part.
Why would you want
another Clinton in charge when the Clinton family is connected to the Bushes?
We're going to have more of the same with McCain and Clinton. As much as I don't want to vote for Obama, he's the one candidate who is actually
slightly unique.
I don't like puppets...McCain is a lobbyist goon, even though he claims to be anti-lobbyist.
The Clintons are liars, crooks, and shills.
And Obama does not seem to be much better...
[edit on 5/26/2008 by biggie smalls]