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Life In the Time of the World's End

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posted on May, 24 2008 @ 03:17 AM
Please take the title of this thread with a grain of sarcasm. It's no lie that we're living in very dramatic times. I'd be willing to suggest that everyone of us feels like something is about to happen - that something is about to break wide open. But What Is It? I'd really like to get a good discussion going here. So, how do you feel about you life in light of the following end time scenarios?

We all have our fears, why not share them?

Please note that I do not subscribe to all of these theories:

- Global War incited by our actions in Iraq.
- Nuclear Proliferation
- Terrorism
- Bird Flu H5V1 and it's possibility of communicable human transition
- Peak Oil and the Gas Price Hike
- US Economic Recession and possible financial collapse
- Dramatic Climatic Changes: i.e. weekly Tornado outbreaks and Floods.
- Global Warming
- Global Cooling
- Pole Shift
- Earthquake and Volcanic increase
- Verneshot
- Solar activity increase
- Planetary Alignment of 2040
- 2012! - and all that it may or may not entail that isn't mentioned above.
- Alien Dominion

That's all I could come up with off the top of my head. We're inundated with this eschatological propaganda nearly every day (well, maybe not Verneshot). We have forums dedicated to some of these topics. So, I just have to ask, is there anything to be hopeful about? Is hope truly a fruitless endeavor now or are we truly living in our last days?

[edit on 24/5/08 by WickedStar]

posted on May, 24 2008 @ 03:23 AM
Live every day to the fullest and enjoy your life.

Worrying about what is going to happen in the future, specially if you have no control over it, is a big waste of time.

Just... accept what is to come. Ever hear how cancer patients starts appreciating the small things in life? There is nothing stopping anyone else to do the same.

[edit on 24-5-2008 by Copernicus]

posted on May, 24 2008 @ 03:33 AM
Well, one thing to be hopeful about is that we have uncovered the tuning scam which has been around for 80 years. Many of us now tune our musical instruements to the all important A 432 hz instead of A 440 Hz. (do the search on ATS)

We WILL win this war of the mind.

Sure they got money which is the only thing keeping them in power, we my friend have numbers.

[edit on 24-5-2008 by Herbal Oli]

posted on May, 24 2008 @ 08:40 AM
Yes i do believe we are witnessing the end of an era. Whether or not it means the end of the world i dont know. But we are certaintly living through a period of change. I just hope that it will be for the better.

posted on May, 24 2008 @ 09:33 AM
reply to post by WickedStar
There is nothing constant but change. Our world is constantly evolving. This evolution began when our world was created and will continue till we cease to exist.

Of course there is hope. If nothing else we can hope for an age of enlightenment to bathe our world.

As far as this being an end to an era......yes it probably is coming very soon. But have no fear...I've lived through several eras in the past 61 years. I believe 1957 is when I first realized that all was not perfect in our world. I welcome the coming change.

You can bet you last nickle that this human is going to live her life to the fullest without fear. Fear is a thief of joy and happiness. I will not be servant of fear. I will live my life as a ray of hope and adventure.

Edited to add....I like your avatar. It takes me back to my hippie days in the 60's. It was a revolution of ideas and change. I enjoyed it emensly. That era ended too.

[edit on 24-5-2008 by dizziedame]

posted on May, 24 2008 @ 09:46 AM
change is what makes us think an see the world. Without change we wouldnt be faced with hardships to overcome.

Life is how its been, an thruout history you dont see one species Live thruout all the others on the top. Change makes an break us into whom we are an shall continue to become.

Its the course of the Human Body, We are mere Controllers on One said body, As well are we Observers of Evolution and Change, and they are some of the best seats in the house.

I would like to say it will be a mix of Natural situation an Manmade that will Scoot us into the next way of thinking, its here, we have problems out the wayzing, Watch an Solve myfirends.

posted on May, 24 2008 @ 11:09 AM
you ask: Is There Anything to be Hopeful About ?

yes, i hope that something intervenes with the various programs of genetically modified foods and lifeforms, which was begun from ill planned human vanity & hubris.

It should take at least a decade for the whole corrupt socio-economic-political system to degenerate and unwind.
Its back to the soil...
Its another dose of Walton's mountain type of living...
for those of us not forced into those 'Grapes of Wrath' caravans from job-to-menial-job,

i actually look forward to fashioning a personal recovery from what the times may present us.

heck, ive been dead twice, and this is my 4th cycle of going full circle,
that is: starting with the clothes on my back and getting successful---
only to meet another disaster and lose everything but my life.
no big deal in the bigger picture !

posted on May, 24 2008 @ 11:19 AM
my general litmus is that *something* isn't going to happen, but rather *this* will drone on and on and we will adapt as necessary.

it's not like the 70's when the big OPEC gas crunch BS happened. no gas to be had, potential break-down coming, then POOF, all the gas you can shake a stick at, and at cheap prices... no, this will not happen this time. there will be no break, no "back to normal", the farther spreading issues will keep on course. (i have a hard time seeing radical change for the good at this point)

i'd be willing to say the life as you know it is gone for the most part. things are different now and will just continue to slow burn its path down the chain of time now.

my cousin just committed suicide two nights ago. my mother asked "what's going on in the world right now?"

i had a very hard time answering her question.

[edit on 5/24/2008 by zooplancton]

posted on May, 24 2008 @ 11:38 AM
I feel that we are living in what Christians describe as end times, however, I've often wondered whether or not this generation is unique in that belief.

Over the course of history, haven't there been other generations that felt that they were living in the last days?

I can only imagine what medieval-era Catholics believed when they were alive in the year 1666!

posted on May, 24 2008 @ 01:11 PM
reply to post by Herbal Oli

I love it! I'm a musician too. It's a pain when you listen to foreign orchestras play - its always beautiful but some how "something just isn't right".

posted on May, 24 2008 @ 01:34 PM
You're right, DizzyDime

There is nothing constant but change. Our world is constantly evolving. This evolution began when our world was created and will continue till we cease to exist.

Of course there is hope. If nothing else we can hope for an age of enlightenment to bathe our world.

As far as this being an end to an era......yes it probably is coming very soon. But have no fear...I've lived through several eras in the past 61 years. I believe 1957 is when I first realized that all was not perfect in our world. I welcome the coming change.

You can bet you last nickle that this human is going to live her life to the fullest without fear. Fear is a thief of joy and happiness. I will not be servant of fear. I will live my life as a ray of hope and adventure.

Edited to add....I like your avatar. It takes me back to my hippie days in the 60's. It was a revolution of ideas and change. I enjoyed it emensly. That era ended too.

The only thing that is constant is change. We get so caught up thinking that our wold will last forever but the truth is our world never lasts beyond 120 years - everyone who is alive on this planet right now will be dead within that period of time *shivers*. I was just hoping that our world would end on a more positive note.

Oh and...Right on Soul Sista!

[edit on 24/5/08 by WickedStar]

posted on May, 24 2008 @ 03:18 PM
Living in the end times isn't a fruitless endeavor, but trying to do what the vain and profane consider "succeeding" is worthless. The world is coming to an end, it's already begun years ago, and we're all witnessing the slow motion apocalypse taking place.

You want the end days to be a fruitful endeavor? Seek true wisdom. That's the reason we're here right now for the most part, people are dumb. Dumbed down by chemicals and electromagnetic warfare (including but not limited to television, radio, cell tower emission, radar, many hundreds of high power space based radiation sources, and many others.) and kept in a socio-economic prison.

Break out of that if you want it to mean something.

Back in 1666 the Christians were probably pretty amped for the grand finale, but this is a different time. Not to say that people have gotten any smarter, but now that we're 6 billion in number globally aware, and industrialized, we have a much more profound impact on this planet. Do you think the crusaders could cause the atmosphere to change? No matter how much frankincense and myrrh they burned, or how much their horses farted, they'd fail to make a dent. Fast forward to now, go to LA and see what one city alone is capable of.

So learn to be wise, and see the world through that wisdom, you will be greatly rewarded. Learn to be part of the earth, and not the profane civilization whom believes it owns her and is free to rape her at will. Educate yourself, and not on useless facts, but on stuff like how to light a fire with sticks, find water, grow food, hunt, how to build, and how to accept the natural way of life we've been denied and which has been substituted with a global prison complex.

We're born in prison, and will die in prison unless you escape. Sure, you might be in a "free" country, that just means you're not in supermax. America for example, is akin to being in a strict work release program. You get to have a few hours of labor outside the little box you're kept in, and it's better than being locked in your box, but it's still nothing near freedom.

In the modern world, from the minute you're born somewhere in the depths of the institution, documented, issued an inmate number, and given your shots, you're released into the prison yard. When you die, your paperwork is processed and your name is used to "vote" for whoever bush or mccain is next in succession for the job of prison warden.

The prison walls are built out of all the useless crap man made, and the prison psychologists convinced you that you need, and that it'll bring happiness. The prison walls are your transportation, your excessive housing, your 9 to 5, the grocery store, and your utilities.

The only thing keeping you imprisoned though, is your acceptance of it as a product of ignorance . Paint the prison walls pretty enough and you can call it a resort, you can call a turd a rose, but in the end it's still a lump of excrement, no matter what color you paint it.

I wait with patient optimistic anticipation for the day when it all comes crashing down, as it will mean we truly have a chance for freedom to prevail. When i see society produce something of merit, as in morality, righteousness, and justice, and follow that path united, i'll be a part of it, but for now i refuse to participate in the current state of affairs. I'm almost rid of all my possessions, and hopefully soon will be able to fit all i own in my backpack and walk off into the wilderness to pursue a pure and natural way, and be subject only to Allah's laws, and not that of man.

Every time i type something like this, i get someone who will argue "then why are you on the internet using electricity and manmade stuff?"

My answer, because i can without participating in the system economically (recycled laptop, public wifi, and an electrical outlet in front of the coffee shop, but soon to be solar powered.) and still speak out against the lies that the slavemasters perpetrate and uphold as societal values, so save your trite comments about how i post here and claim not to be part of society. I'm here to help you realize what's obvious to those who pay attention closely to the why behind the what.


posted on May, 24 2008 @ 05:36 PM
reply to post by WickedStar

I do not know if we are in our darkest hour just yet. However I personally feel that its time someone took a stand for us all in our time of need. I see so much of this you cant worry about what you cannot change attitude now that I fear the worst for humanity as a whole.
In every stage of history there has been a key figure that has challenged the status quo and beaten it.

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