posted on Mar, 1 2004 @ 04:56 PM
sorry i cant post much, the full article is only available to the poor shmuggs that pay....actually making them not poor...but whatever.
its an interesting topic, how we've shifted from adding and removing whole days to simply seconds, whats that?!
"Every year or so we figure out that Earth hasn�t been rotating quite as fast as we thought, so we add a second to the clock. And that messes up
"Time is fundamental to so many things that we do, people take it for granted,� says physicist Ronald Beard of the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory in
Washington, D.C. �But it�s a generated thing, not a naturally occurring phenomenon we�re just monitoring. We actually make time.� Nobody knows that
better than Beard, who is trying to corral a rancorous constituency of experts into reaching an agreement on what time it is. The experts are arguing
about the future of the leap second, an extra second added to the world�s clocks every year or so to keep the artificial constructs of hours and
minutes in lockstep with the actual length of the day. "
Leap Seconds
Just more proof that "time" as we know it is one big fat lie!