posted on May, 22 2008 @ 07:39 PM
Lost / misplaced nukes
Every now and then you will hear some news report , editorial , or documentary talking about lost and or misplaced nukes . These reports usually
go on to state that not only have these nukes made it to the black market but have indeed already been sold on the black market .
Is this true ??
If so , I am left to wonder who would have bought these nukes? Would they not have been cold war nukes from the collapsed USSR ? I could see a
country possibly buying one , but the country buying the nuke would presumable , possess a sufficient enough rocket as to lob the nuke far away
enough from them selves as to not in a sense , nuke them selves .
I , rightfully or wrongly believe that any cold war nuke would not be of much use to a terrorist ? Unless they could sneak the nuke into a country and
then detonate the nuke , if its even possible to detonate an old cold war nuke in such a fashion ?
Also do nukes not have a shelf life ? how much longer would any such nuke , assuming its an old USSR nuke , have before it would be rendered a dud ,
do to the passage of time ?