posted on Sep, 15 2008 @ 10:11 PM
Just to kind of put a cap on this thread for anyone actually wondering if this could be possible... it cant.
Insects with an exoskeleton have a trachea system.
This is much like our circulatory system which they also have but it does not deliver oxygen. Thier trachea system does. They breath through their
exoskeleton and the trachea system branches off like veins and capillaries. However this trachea system is one of two things that stops them from
being so big.
The trachea system is unable to support the body of an insect if it is any larger than the bird eating spider. It is the largest insect and no others
can be larger because od the tracheal system. The second problem is the atmosphere it does not have enough oxygen to favour the trachea system.
Millions of years ago the atmosphere heavily favoured the tracheal sytem because there was so much oxygen producing vegetation, hence there were
enormous insects.
BAck to today, even if they did genetically create a gigantic spider it would quickely suffocate and die as would a giant scorpian also mentioned in
this thread.
I know it would be awesome to imagine such entities but as a member here i have to defy the ignorance.
Look it up if you dont beleive me... sorry fellas