posted on May, 24 2008 @ 10:52 PM
There were fake videos, prepared in advance, to make sure everyone watching TV on 9/11 saw A plane hit.
Those were never shown again.
No need for those because they were manufactured from existing footage and had the plane crash added.
The video we have now, is going to have to do, for us, the common citizens.
Your question about cruise missiles is how you fail to understand what happened on 9/11.
They are rather large and slow.
My guess is around twenty missiles were used, of different types and sizes.
Once the plane made its impact, and the dust of the disintegrated plane was thrown back far enough, the following small missiles, designed to cut the
steel could do their work, undetected.
Other, incendiary type missiles were shot along the outside walls of the tower and exploded, to ignite the jet fuel, that was able to work its way
through the walls.
Everyone needs to not be misled by the "fake video" people and take a hard look at the videos we do have and watch the missiles.
The real fake videos have been destroyed after they ran them, once.