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former chief of staff has incriminating evidence in 911 attacks?

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posted on May, 21 2008 @ 04:21 PM
This is very serious, he is now a counselor for the victims of 911, and claims he has incriminating evidence.... He claims he has the document that shows bush ordered 911. And is using this in his lawsuit.. now this is huge.. In the radio show he said that the FBI actually raided his office and took the document that had the incriminating evidence.. however according to him he has backup copies of the incriminating evidence..


SH: Yeah, we are suing Bush, Condoleezza Rice, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Mueller, etc. for complicity in personally not only allowing 9/11 to happen but in ordering it. The hijackers we retained and we had a witness who is married to one of them. The hijackers were U.S. undercover agents. They were double agents, paid by the FBI and the CIA to spy on Arab groups in this country. They were controlled. Their landlord was an FBI informant in San Diego and other places. And this was a direct, covert operation ordered, personally ordered by George W. Bush. Personally ordered. We have incriminating evidence, documents as well as witnesses, to this effect. It’s not just incompetence - in spite of the fact that he is incompetent. The fact is he personally ordered this, knew about it. He, at one point, there were rehearsals of this. The reason why he appeared to be uninterested and nonchalant on September 11th - when those videos showed that Andrew Card whispered in his ear the [garbled] words about this he listened to kids reading the pet goat story, is that he thought this was another rehearsal. These people had dress-rehearsed this many times. He had seen simulated videos of this. In fact, he even made a Freudian slip a few months later at a California press conference when he said he had, quote, “seen on television the first plane attack the first tower.” And that could not be possible because there was no video. What it was was the simulated video that he had gone over. So this was a personally government-ordered thing. We are suing them under the Constitution for violating Americans’ rights, as well as under the federal Fraudulent Claims Act, for presenting a fraudulent claim to Congress to justify the bogus Iraq boondoggle war, for political gains. And also, under the RICO statute, under the Racketeering Corrupt Organization Act, for being a corrupt entity. And I’ve been harassed personally by the chief judge of the federal court who is instructing me personally to drop this suit, threatened to kick me off the court, after 30 years on the court..

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 05:28 PM
reply to post by thefreepatriot

Is he going to release these documents or what? Why didn't he give AJ a copy?

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 05:45 PM

Here's something he needs to produce!

And I did my senior thesis on this very subject - how to turn the U.S. into a presidential dictatorship by manufacturing a bogus Pearl Harbor event. So, technically this has been in the planning at least 35 years.

posted on May, 22 2008 @ 05:24 AM
Another former "person in the know" who is showing himself to be running a few sandwiches short of a picnic? Add him to the list of people who used to help run our country, who have shown themselves to be the idiots we once suspected them of being.

posted on May, 23 2008 @ 10:45 AM

Originally posted by Swampfox46_1999
Another former "person in the know" who is showing himself to be running a few sandwiches short of a picnic? Add him to the list of people who used to help run our country, who have shown themselves to be the idiots we once suspected them of being.

Another current person in the active military "who is showing himself to be the shill that he is". Add him to the people who will get flogged and strung up by the neck when the crap hits the fan for their willingness to perpetuate these lies.

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