posted on May, 21 2008 @ 05:04 AM
Senator Ted Kennedy is a wonderful, patriotic American. I am hoping that his health improves and he returns back to Congress, even under the
circumstances that he now has to undergo with his recent diagnosis.
Senator Barack Obama owes so much to Senator Kennedy. It wasn't until Senator Kennedy said that he was behind him on January 28, 2008, that suddenly
Senator Obama started being considered more seriously by his fellow members of the Democratic party. By Senator Kennedy doing this before Super
Tuesday, he gave Senator Obama the edge that any unseasoned, inexperienced, and lack of credentials individual would be truly grateful for.
Senator Barack Obama is a fantasy. He has gotten more hype than most Hollywood actors and actresses. I think he should stick to writing books. I
am amazed that he has gotten this far, but then he certainly has been carried along on the back of Senator Ted Kennedy.