posted on May, 21 2008 @ 04:59 AM
You may be having dreams but not remembering them, which usually isn't abnormal. But you also mentioned that while you aren't under stress, you
"kinda" should be, and that you don't seem to be interested in anything. That suggests that you may be depressed, since lack of reaction to things
and lack of interest in things can both be signs of depression. You might want to start by talking to someone sympathetic about how you feel, which
may make you feel better. If you've been feeling this way for a while, or you feel extremely depressed, or you continue to feel this way, you should
think about getting professional help. You wouldn't necessarily need medication, and if it was prescribed, it might make you feel better *without*
affecting your ability to work, interact with people, etc. Contrary to a lot of myths, anti-depressants are not "happy pills"; they just make you
not depressed. Getting help if you need it does not mean that you are weak or "crazy"; it's just sensible. I hope that you feel better soon.