posted on May, 21 2008 @ 01:19 PM
This is what's happening:
More Americans Fear Losing ... Thread
This downward spiral (trend, outlook, whatever) that most of the world seems to be on right now stems from Fear. American politicians and their
corporate media are actively encouraging their populace to be afraid of bogeymen; be it terrorists, debt, social acceptability, health, and so on. And
as we (the rest of the world) look at what's going on in America, we get to thinking "Hey, being crazy and scared is quite acceptable and IN these
days! After all, that's what Americans are doing.".
To grasp this phenomenon we should understand the fact that most of the world's economies and democracies look to America for guidance as well as to
set the example to be followed by their own nations. And as such, we emulate what we percieve to be American values and ways of doing things.
I won't claim to have the answer to the question posted in the OP, but I'm willing to exchange insights and opinions with my fellow ATS members. Who
knows, we might come up with something together. Right?
[edit on 5.21.08 by toreishi]