posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 03:30 AM
Here's a list of things you guys can do after you have finished the main storyline (sorry if some have been mentioned):
1. Jump into a police cruiser and while stopped, press left bumper (on Xbox 360). This will put up a police computer and through this you can do
'wanted' side missions where you track down criminals and kill them.
2. Find all the 'flying rats', pidgeons dotted around the city that you must find and shoot.
3. Find all the unique stunt jumps. (P.S, in an in game internet cafe, go on to pull up a map with all the flying
rats and stunt jumps marked on it. You have to remember it though as it is not possible to get these markers on your in game map.)
4. Go online and get a girlfriend, or call up your friends and go out with them.
5. Cruise the streets and find a female friend to 'entertain' you. (Knock off the door for an extra peek at x-rated action).
6. Visit a strip club, bar, or comeday club.
7. Deliver cars sent to you by text message.
That's my input for now, there shall be more though coming soon.