posted on May, 18 2008 @ 05:10 PM
really interesting story but could it be night terrors. a common theme amongst these type of accounts is that the person falls back asleep, I dont
think that is normal behavior how could you fall back asleep. I woke up with a spider on my chest once after having a damn near heart attack and
brushing it off i couldnt get back to sleep my adrenaline had kicked in. Now if a woke up to see what your friend had seen i probably wouldnt sleep
for a month.
The thing is night terrors can seem very real and are scary ive had similar but ive not seen anyone, ive just been awake but my body was still in some
sort of sleep paralysis and i panicked slightly until i could move and my mind ran riot in the process thinking all sorts of things like what if an
axe murderer is behind me.