posted on May, 18 2008 @ 11:51 AM
oops, i started a thread.
i just began to think this post rating system (the stars which any member can give to any post) and how it works on reality? i mean are there many
people that use the rating system and on what purpose?
i can figure out few possible motives for its use straighthand, but i'd like to hear other people opinions and accustomations on this matter to
figure out how it is used in reality.
i personally try to rate every post that i like, or ones which contributes on the issue at hand, even i don't necessarily like it's content. but
then i see opening posts (op's) that have received dozens of stars but all the subsequent development of the op is forgotten and the amount of stars
decrease rapidly. are people so self centered or lazy that they won't read but the 1st and last post of the topic, or do they only star the opinions
they like, regardless its truth-value?
and how do people react when they see pile of stars on some specific post? does it immediately cause symphatic reactions and assumptions that the
poster is on something, even the person might've not read the post?
isn't there also a possibility, that someone would make multiple ats accounts and star every post he likes with the power of legion? can one even
take note from this rating system, since it can be abused?
one thing i know, when there's a pile of stars (30+) in a post, it should be worth of reading.
but yeah, if people want to share their experiences and feelings about this rating system, you're all welcome.