posted on Mar, 3 2009 @ 02:50 PM
Emma (Enma) Angel of What?
I know i resurrected this, but came across someone briefly mentioning in an article on the Financial situation, Todd Bentley, and how people where
flocking to him in the thousands last year, The whole story has an interesting twist. Believe what you want, cause i really don't know what to say.
How can someone deceive so many people, he must be deceived himself. And then Ministers holding him truthful and trying to help him out, why? to keep
their creditability. The guy is from Canada, and took over a ministry FFM, and made a recorded 2.7 million in 2006, as per revenue Canada's records,
that's tax free.
He's a false prophet, maybe demons possessed him and his wife, LOL. What ever it was i feel sorry for all the people who fell for his crap,
brainwashing them with his ideologies.