posted on May, 22 2008 @ 04:29 AM
For those of you who have U2U'd me asking for specific posts I was referring to...well I'm unable to reply because it gives me a "busy signal"
message to try u2u later.
I did not list the ones I was specifically writing about, because my purpose wasn't to single anyone one person was meant to be "in
general". Just look through the list. There are some threads are seriously onto something and offer a tremendous amount of input and insight. Then
are the other ones that offer very little, or are just downright silly. I know it's subjective in some respects (beauty lies within the eyes of the
beholder) and I don't want to single any one out, because it could also be that I am dismissing a thread that others see as important, but you can't
help but wonder about it because I have seen a lot of totally worthless and baseless threads lately and they tend to drowned out the ones that really
have a lot to offer.
Is it purely due to innocence? Is there a more clandestine effort to lead us astray? I don't know! That's why I made this thread, for us to
speculate and vent, but alas, I have to admit that even this thread isn't a very good one...
Basically I just wanted to vent my frustration with it, and suggest the possibility that maybe yeah, there are a few newbie’s and baseless threads
just due to ignorance, but maybe also there is an organized effort to post page after page after page of this stuff because "they" know many people
won't bother to dig and find the "good stuff"...
But no, I won't directly point out specifically what ones I was talking about...all of us could make a list and compare notes, and I don't doubt the
lists would be all that different. Most of you guys are pretty intelligent.
I hope this clears things up better.