posted on May, 16 2008 @ 05:22 AM
Well as your screen name suggests there is some truth behind her lie. She said she would never hurt you, and by not telling you about her affair she
held true to what she told you. Her sleeping with other people doesn't hurt you unless you find out about it. Now, why she lied to you is not known
to anyone but her. At the very least she lied to protect herself from losing you, why losing you would be a bad thing to her, I couldn't tell you.
The truth of your relationship with this girl is unknown to all but you and the girl, and each of you only know half of the story. Even though your
half may be pure, her intentions for the relationship may not be so pure. It's hard to know someone's true feelings. All you can know is what they
tell you, and what you observe. She may tell you that she loves you, but her actions paint a different picture, don't they?. Perhaps you're one to
forgive, after all she did forgive you when you cheated on her. But I can certainly see why you might not want to. Afterall, she was(is?) in love with
this other girl. You found the conversation she had with her, you know what that conversation was about and who knows where else that might have lead
to, and she may never have told you about it. It certainly could be hard to trust someone in that situation.
It may be best for you to go your separate ways, unless you can sort out the situation with her former lover and make sure she's committed to you and
you alone.
I commend you for your honesty with her, you were upfront about your mistakes and that is something I respect. Hopefully you can teach your girlfriend
to do the same. Honesty is key in any relationship.