reply to post by THELONIO
americas search for relic?
Yes, most Americans think that this relic is a material treasure.. Made of gold, or something you can touch.
When its my personal feeling the true relics and treasures of this world is illuminated knowledge!
True Astro-theology. Prehaps an off shoot of astro-theology.
The more man runs around trying to find that box with all the answers will never find it.. Becasue the truth lies from within.
The real relics is knowledge of the old, and kept highly secert.
While I dont claim this to be 100% truth.. This may lead you, or someone else to find what you are looking for.
I wish you the best in your quest for this relic, and understanding what it really is.
To understand.. its like have a 2 story floor.. And you put alot of stuff on the 2nd floor.. Logic would tell you, that you would get out a ladder,
and check to see if that floor can withstand the weight you are putting up there.
Thus you must get under it.. Thats where we get the word understanding.
You must first get to the base root, and see if what you say will hold up to what you are saying.. Hence under-standing..
Jordan Maxwell taught me this.. As most my knowledge is taken from the many books I have read, and the years of research..
Ive been at this for 10 years now. And to put aside my ego, I have read well over 10,000 books in my life..
I understand what it means to understand, we dont know as much as some like to think we know..