posted on May, 15 2008 @ 03:54 PM
There's definitely a coverup of the HIV in this country and in the world in general. I remember last year reading about some new "Super HIV" that
several people had come down with in a relatively short period of time which had progressed from HIV infection to full blown AIDS (Somewhere Dug Out
Doug cracks a smile for the free advertisement) in a metter of several months rather than the standard 8-10+ year incubation cycle seen in "normal"
HIV. Then, as quickly as this was reported on, it disappeared and I've seen nothing about it since. I'd be interested in knowing what they found
because the doctors interviewed in the articles I read indicated that this was a very serious development and indicated the virus had mutated
significantly. What they never tell the public is how many generations of mutation they believe the virus could be from being able to survive outside
the human body's temperature range and, in the process, potentially becoming an airborne virus. If it ever made that mutation, I'd have to think
the officials would keep completely quiet on it until people started dying right and left or until they had developed a vaccine.
As for the criminal in this story, he should be locked up for the rest of his life. If the story is true and he actually spat at the cop and then
proclaimed he had AIDS, then I commend the officer for not beating the man to death. That crap isn't even on the same level as shooting someone
because, in essence, you're not just trying to issue your death to the officer, but also to his wife, or his girlfriend, or anyone else he happens to
have relations with... not to mention the problems it raises if he ever gets injured while on duty and his partner or other responder needs to give
emergency field treatment to him. Honestly if someone spit on me and then said they had AIDS and were trying to give it to me, I'm not sure I could
keep from simply pulling my ppd and shooting them.