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I just had a weird foreboding about McCain...

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posted on May, 16 2008 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by kosmicjack

I'm absolutely gobsmacked at how you can, so easily, make light of this woman and the 4000 other mothers who lost their children in this farce of a war? Are you really that cruel or have you simply allowed yourself to become so desensitized? Give the dog a bone? Please.

posted on May, 16 2008 @ 01:34 PM
thats why u vote Ron Paul.

posted on May, 16 2008 @ 07:25 PM
reply to post by reject

posted on May, 16 2008 @ 07:31 PM
reply to post by marg6043
If Hilary or Obama gets elected, we won't have to worry about fighting any war ever because they will allow so many nonsense abortions that we won't be able to repopulate our country. This is a true fact. I really like Obama, aside from the abortion issue. I can't see that McCain would really LIKE having us in Iraq, being a former POW himself, he can at least empathize with the people there. But, there are so many different opinions and takes on the Iraq issue, one says we should have never been there, the other says we should. When it gets right down to it the government lies, so none of us will ever know the truth. It's called TOPSECRET. If there were any national security issues with Iraq, do you really think we would know about them? It's much like every other military exercise that goes on in the world today. The soldiers themselves don't even know alot of times why they are in Afghanistan or Iraq. Consider this, really.

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 10:30 PM
I have the same fearful sense about McCain. Over the past few months, I have felt that he is dangerous. This is odd for me because I usually have a rationale for how I make my decisions. I am not a gut instinct type of person. I prefer cold, hard facts. Nonetheless, and I know this will sound nutty, but I pulled out a movie from the 80s, "Dreamscape".The president in the movie is very close to taking steps that will initiate a global thermonuclear war. If you look at the actor that portrays the president, he reminds me of McCain. That same lost, bewildered look in his eyes. Has anyone else seen this movie and agrees? Or have I totally lost it??

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 11:22 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Hey, Flyers, I have the greatest respect for John McCain and what he went through as a POW in Viet Nam, especially since I am also a former Navy man & a Viet Nam Vet. That being said, though, it doesn't mean that he is automatically the best man to be President of the U.S. or Commander-in-Chief.

What upsets me so much about McCain is that he has totally reversed his previous stands on Foreign Policy and other issues and instead of distancing himself from the rhetoric and mistakes of the current administration, seems to be embracing and promoting them. Why he is continuing to do this, in spite of the fact that the American public has made it clear that these failed ways of doing things must come to an end, truly mystify and trouble me. Also, his age and health are a factor, although, I wish they weren't.

Another thing that bothers me about McCain is his lack of warmth and humanity; I just don't feel comfortable listening to him speak. He frequently seems distracted or slightly confused and has misspoke himself a few times in the past and then had to correct his comments, which causes me to also doubt his sincerity and honesty as to what he really believes. I just never feel I know, concretely, whether McCain is saying what he really believes or what he thinks people want to hear, or just what he needs to do and say to get elected.

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 11:35 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
most importantly - they have seen the horrors of war UP CLOSE and they know the pain and damage it can cause. Someone like McCain, who suffered from war, would be more likely to try to avoid it if at all possible.

Which is another problem I have with McCain; Although he understands what it means to serve and suffer the outcome of war, he is one the staunchest holdouts on a new GI Bill for veterans and better pay and benefits for those currently in uniform. As a disabled vet myself and the friend of many others currently serving and recently returned from combat, that is a big one.

Also, his ties to Washington lobbyists and special interest groups; that bugs me big time!

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