posted on May, 15 2008 @ 05:20 AM
That's too hard for our 'dumbed-down' society. [sarcasm] One question at a time please... and don't make me think so far into the future. It makes
my head hurt!! I'm only concerned about abortion issues... I'm only concerned about the gas prices... I'm only concerned about... and fix it NOW!!
RIGHT NOW!!! I WANT IT NOW... in our "everything in an instant" society... and ME, ME, ME!!! [/sarcasm]
No one we are currently being presented with is even worth one minute of consideration. I suggest you wait to see who emerges after ALL the
National Conventions (there are more than just 2, believe it or not), and hopefully get to see more than just the two R and D throw-aways.
[edit on 5/15/2008 by RabbitChaser]