posted on May, 14 2008 @ 10:24 PM
Thankyou for having the courage to talk about what you think and feel openly.
The sense that you have has been felt by many people in your area and have even become more aware of more than they had never noticed before. This can
be a good thing.
That said, it is important that you always trust your instincts completely and groundly.
Try and discuss this with your family in a calm and rational manner.
Discuss with them the importance to you for them to have a good set of plans in the event of a major catastrophic event such as the earth quake of
Let them know that you are not afraid, yet want for everyone you love to be on the same page in the event of an emergency.
You can visit and download pages for family preparedness, there are many sites here is one with quite abit of information and purchasable supplies:
Here is a wonderful site for family preparedness and it even has an interactive Kids section for younger brothers or sisters. :
Once your family has a good plan in order, you can relax and live your life with the secure feeling you have everything in prospective.