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If I tried to prove telepathy is real today in america would you believe me?

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posted on May, 16 2008 @ 10:24 AM
Some will say we all astral project, but that's a lie because the paranomal can make us think we can do what in all they do with their paranormal abilities tricking our minds' perceptions. They can make it seem as though we have some control in certain of the dreams they induce. They can make a dream feel as though it's real and you, when it's actually not real nor you. It's their version of you even in the dreams they induce into you.

When you are dealing with one mind operating many human bodies there is no conspiracy technically, but a conspiracy hypothetically. Why? Because it's take two or more for a conspiracy to exist.

Talk yourself out of a problem with authority? What country are you in? Here in America they cant pend what you wrote on the net against you especially if it aint any threats made or you didnt say a screen name is your's (truthfully you dont even own the screen name so dont let anybody trick you into believing a screen name is as though owned by you). Never give authorities your pass word so that they could argue a screen name is your's. Anyway if ppl are spying on the computer you use they cant do anything to you especially seeing how sites can have other edit your posts and come under your screen name to make it appear as though you did something they actually did.

Never sign an agreement when you cant make the person(s) wanting you to sign sign an agreement you want them to sign. Even depending on what's therein the agrreement you might want to not sign. If they force you to, then that's extortion and they are thugs aiming to steal your life from you.

You're e-mail issue...You may have someone(s) using the e-mail account. All in all, they could be out to trick you into stating that an e-mail account is as though owned by you. Just make a different account and know that the astral projectors watching in the air will know the pass word you create and the e-mail. That's how you get weird ppl sending the account things when you may have not given out the e-mail address. Dont let them win.

Remember no one can nail you with your choice of words when they are suggested hypotheticals or entertainment or art or under the disguise of religious related text.

In another thread you mentioned you had a stoke. You know what? A stoke could put part of your brain to sleep. If a part of your brain stays asleep then the paranormal who speak with astral projections you maybe would hear in your mind as they choose to have you hear. They can make it seem accidental as if you stumbled on to them with your own power. Though dont believe what they say telepathically. They just try to make you paranoid because they are being mean or childish with their abilities.

[edit on 16-5-2008 by Mabus]

posted on May, 16 2008 @ 10:48 AM
reply to post by P. O. W.

You might also be suffering from some kind of mental affliction. Feelings of paranoia can often be explained by such illness, and can turn a relatively normal world into something dark and foreboding, full of plots and schemes and ominous machinations hell-bent on destroying you.

My advice is to go see a doctor, just to rule out that possibility. If you are fine (which is the likely outcome), then no-one can blame your observations and experiences on mental illness. You'll be stronger, and so will your case.

Don't be scared to call the police if anyone's harassing you, or making you feel unsafe. You pay your taxes so they can protect you - it's only fair you use them for that purpose.

Keep your chin up, mate. You'll always have friends here.

posted on May, 16 2008 @ 10:49 AM
reply to post by Mabus

Are telepathy and astral projection related? I wonder if telepaths have an organization? Do they have missions to further their desires? Are they changing the world? I would start by finding out if any scientific telepathic studies have ever concluded anything would support claims of telepathy.

posted on May, 16 2008 @ 10:59 AM

Originally posted by MrdDstrbr

If there is some sort of conspiracy against you, and you allow yourself to succumb to paranoia and become a recluse - then they win!

Wasting countless, countless hours of one's life waging psychological warfare just to try to drive one poor guy crazy - how stupid is that???

It's not about winning or losing though - in my experience; for them it isn't even a game.

It's just a way of wasting time.

The only question i ask myself, and i ask myself this constantly, is; How much time are they prepared to waste?

Sooner or later, things change, be it out of my own actions, or out of theirs.

The sad fact of the matter is that i'm one of those people in life who take joy in the smaller things in the world, and as such i don't particularly need to be socially active - something which the individuals concerned don't seem to understand.

And of course, because of my tendancy to take joy, it tends to *snip* them off as they cannot control me in quite the way they want to - they don't realise that i can have it both ways.

But you know what the worst bit is?

Knowing it was going to happen.

[edit on 16-5-2008 by Anti-Tyrant]

[edit on 16-5-2008 by Anti-Tyrant]

posted on May, 16 2008 @ 04:01 PM
I was just expressing possible flaws in this supposedly legitimate mental health sentence I got from my problems in high school and how it may have ended and led to this. I sort of had this double agent sort of view sometimes with reading to much into speech and suspicious and questioning things. In the past speak another language with some people about things who might know things but dont want to have any consequences to what might be implied.
It takes 5 people for a legal definition of a conspiracy, thought have freedom here to consider possibility instead of burden myself with it. Everything I said was purely circumstantial towards possibility of mental illness, how my life happened to me from high school and theories of a uncertainty possibility of it being interconnected of the cause for almost 7 years since. I am not going to get locked up again for opening my mouth about my past or because I immediately sound crazy or dismissed by doctors when I try to talk about my health, trust me.
I am trying to get to bottom of this with other people having my screen name if they have it, deleting mail or surveilling me which might be legal if other people come here impersonating me using my name I think that is illegal. If astral projectors can steal my personal info. I cant do anything legally but I can try to track then signing into my account online with internet or email. I assumed I might be an astral projector to possibly explain some strange phenomena. I dont hear voices or foreign thoughts myself I thought maybe other people might react to mine or be bombarded with them or get personal info.
I had stroke 13 and brain heals itself when your young repairs, if I was 30 I would probaly be in a bed or a vegetative state. Right side of body was paralyzed first memory 3 weeks later couldnt speak or move well. I was in wheelchair then crutches and slowly rehabilitated self. They think schizophrenia and other illnesses is like dreaming while you are awake or the imagery from dreams crosses over into waking life. I think most of my arguments are well founded maybe a little surreal but not impossible.
I am extremely thankful for my 2nd chance at life and I am content everyday with what I have arms , legs, eyes , ears. I just didnt want to have mentality of war, or possible guerilla warfare when I leave house, or suspicious of everyone around or getting to close for being "agent" or a unknown threat, or die because of being connected to possible politics.

posted on May, 16 2008 @ 04:27 PM

Originally posted by dave420
reply to post by P. O. W.

You might also be suffering from some kind of mental affliction. Feelings of paranoia can often be explained by such illness, and can turn a relatively normal world into something dark and foreboding, full of plots and schemes and ominous machinations hell-bent on destroying you.

My advice is to go see a doctor, just to rule out that possibility. If you are fine (which is the likely outcome), then no-one can blame your observations and experiences on mental illness. You'll be stronger, and so will your case.

Don't be scared to call the police if anyone's harassing you, or making you feel unsafe. You pay your taxes so they can protect you - it's only fair you use them for that purpose.

Keep your chin up, mate. You'll always have friends here.

That's not good advice in the type of foe this deals with.

Certain ppl in the police are the paranormal. You'd know them by their fruits because they wont do their job correctly on purpose seeing who is not as them with paranormal abilities. The ppl who wont do their job as they are supposed to would act like they expect a version of you by others. If you've been in a mental ward before they'll use that agianst you as if you'r making things up while even knowing you aint because the one mind has mean and childish hatred toward who they single out.

posted on May, 16 2008 @ 04:32 PM
reply to post by P. O. W.

Dont let mental doctors fool you. You legally shouldnt be locked up when you are not a threat to others or yourself. So if you say you hear voices but didn't say you do what they say or believe what they say THAT'S NOT being a threat to the life of others or yourself.

posted on May, 16 2008 @ 05:09 PM

Originally posted by earthman4
reply to post by Mabus

Are telepathy and astral projection related? I wonder if telepaths have an organization? Do they have missions to further their desires? Are they changing the world? I would start by finding out if any scientific telepathic studies have ever concluded anything would support claims of telepathy.

Just about everything paranormal is astral projection. They do organize before they come after you so they will know when it's first OK for the go ahead up the ladder, pertaining to all the different positions they hold in the world. They organize indeed and re-organize when dealing with the VERY elect. You could be elect or very elect because of reasons. Very elect is me. They'd love to re-do what they had did to me before, but I know how to handle them in ways and measures that re-enforce and re-ensure. Lay a snare down on em and they'll bust on themselves in conflict.

You know when someone puts a coat on you of the paranormal that's their's, you can do what you want with it. As they witness they are guilty for being there. What you do, they do by being in you paranormally. So it's like tell the truth that it's them that did anything you didnt do alone. Dare them to bare witness if they catch you as to how they would know when they humanly werent there.

Back when I was in college I remember doing something to a door (put superglue in the keyhole) of who I thought put firecracker in the peep hole of my dorm room door. I see the two roommates of that door I did something to act strange as though they knew I did something to their dorm door. At the time they who I think put the fire cracker in my door didnt even see me or know me so why the hell did they act funny as if they knew what I did unless they saw what I did. Humanly they didnt see what I did. So you can do things behind the backs of ppl and if they dare even act as though odd than normal around you the chances are they saw you do what you did paranomally through their astral projection or by what some other astral projection informant told. They stick altogether as though they work together and watch out for each other. Thogh actually it's just one mind with many human bodies. This is how some ppl read you as though they get word from other spirits they are just mediating for. It's a lie!

[edit on 16-5-2008 by Mabus]

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 01:36 AM
OK, Mabus I tried being extremely nice to you why did you take such offense if it wasnt true? Weapons of Mass Destruction and if you know paranormals, astral projectors, and/or devils who can go into other peoples minds and distort truth because they know they are going to hell to save selves for awhile. Which is what I took offense to and internalized cause of my post and after truth 101 and led me to previous threads.
When did I ever say I was hearing voices? Are you hearing voice or thoughts that are not your own or some devils and you want me to go to a psych ward to solve a problem you imagined I had. If I did or said I did for some reason I would go to a hospital psych ward and take numerous more really strong drugs till the fictional illness was cured and that could be about 2 months at least trying new meds and lying to doctors if my insurance covers it, or out of pocket debts. They tried charging me $29,800 for 8 weeks I was held against will and brought to court to be forced to take full dose of meds, but it was a mistake in paperwork didnt pay. And hope no fellow patients try to bother me or rape me.
Observing my behavior is one thing but personal ID and passwords and my lifes history that I never told another human being resognating so strongly in another persons condeming post is another. I couldve been just jumping to conclusions but also conditioned to be paranoid. A little paranoia is healthy.
Mabus the 3rd anti christ of Nostra Damus joined about 11 months ago and undiagnosed headaches started 13 ago so I was a little suspicious. Can you tell me who this astral projector is that will never re do what was done before to be dealt with by re-enforce & re-insure and laying a snare down to entrap or prevent? What are your motives and do you know anything about a graduation, a frame up then cover up, large sums of money or any uncontrollable astral projectors living close by?

[edit on 17-5-2008 by P. O. W.]

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 02:11 AM
Do I know about possible backlash or some sort of manifestaion of so far impossiblility of alien levels of conciousness or 2nd presence swirling out of control,no. Thinking that anything is possible and just time spent cerebrally with A.D.D., spacing out/daydreaming, bleeds healed self, amnesia, introverted philophosized common sense, powerful psychotropics, strain unrealistic guilt sometimes and out of touch with world around me.
Probably just my unique history at times felt like wild animal studying civilization trying to domesticate myself or learn how they operate. Yes, I have had lots of strange dreams, stress or something my subconcious might be trying to arrange for self/I. Do have much thanks though that my dreams arent a waking nightmare because then I would be in serious trouble. Something is always going on in brain, while sleeping 5 or 6 dreams every night and I usually awake during bad ones to record. Here I feel like I helped cope along with seeing doctors and getting help for my undiagnosed chronic headaches. Torturing myself through wild speculation and paranoia of possibilities and reactions I project on self/I. People are just people and I bring a lot of baggage and assumptions. Hearing other people just communicate freely is very relieving. Always try to just ask for help or get point across in someway somehow. Thoughts can be irrational & misleading and not make sense sometimes. Reacting to it in a shameful , hiding alone way can be very destructive.

[edit on 17-5-2008 by P. O. W.]

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 01:02 PM
I already went over what I would say to Authorities in worse case scenario, before I spent 2 nights looking for somewhere to originally post my arrival thread. It is not a crime to gather knowledge or opinion about something that is not proven. Trying to imagine how this could be possible when my first person account is mostly circumstantial and my word of events. Doctors and therapists simply denying it based on mental health system was never rewarding or enough. I know with the whole "telepathy" thing might have hurt case or how my writings are perceived just 2 seperate posts by 2 different people said this was literal and true, and I saw what may or not have been implications to my past and it got me thinking.
I fit pieces of a puzzle or concept together to get out of the dark of being left behind by generation and amnesia. If it might look legit or possibly be feasible I try to build on that if not I clear the table start over. I wanted to bring this to some sort of conclusion, real or my life with questions unresolved and ran with those questions.
If police and/or doctors interogate me about this about graduation, well it would be extremely likely for someone to have video or photos can you show me tangible proof? Describe your "problem" with music, well I have a persecution complex and from 2002-2005 when I would talk to doctors about this their "help" was finding out what was wrong in my head. It might fit after some events following columbine, if they thought I had motives of all glory and no sacrifice. Do you hallucinate other peoples conversations because they say they never said this, NO I dont how is that even possible while they are in front of me moving their lips I hear something different. Well there are camera surveillance and other people around at hospitals, do you trust this person or these people because it takes 5 for legal definition of conspiracy, will they take legit lie detector tests or go to court or are they just playing sherades again.
I just figured if this isnt real go on with life stop considering possibility of school covering up and blaming me for mass hysteria, helping life sentence to occur, then being exploited in music, then email possibly disproving reality I was subjected to and connected to government for almost 6 years as special operations or double agent or prisoner of war, then crazy money everwhere except for me and I might be prostitute, and locked on floor and coerced to be a tila tequila like sexual host of pyramid scheme to make money.
Did anyone see SNL 2 days ago? Heard John McCain say " it would cost too much money millions for FBI or gov. for jamming Gay-dar and the federal government has decided its up to state or local gov.s to block. Was he sarcastic or making a joke? Did anyone else see this cause I think I was waaaaaay off as to understanding what he meant. Stephen Colbert said to Jon Stewart "I will still be your friend even though you have a closet homosexual evil jihhadist stupid baby" when introducing his show at end of his one time. And one time that "this guy might be going to jail, and have you seen this guy he has got a memory like a goldfish, his term wouldnt be so bad realizing where he is every 10 minutes but due to all publicity case got he probaly wouldnt last first night". Also the day I was drinking missed episode got led into city over the night, I ripped up my health insuance renewal and saw yesterdays episode. Said in it "check your mail tommorrow, sorry kid I did the best I can to help" or something like that I know how it sounds . Air date was Nov 5-8th of 2006 and the rest I think was from 2006-07 season, all this happened I am not making this up and probably footage somewhere. Hillary Clinton said on CNN and I think Newsday did article about her saying to boycott or stop watching completely Stephen's Colbert Report (I think in spring of 2007).

[edit on 19-5-2008 by P. O. W.]

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 01:22 PM
There are telepathic people in this world but they are not plotting against you personally. I don't want to sound mean when I ask this but have you seen a psychiatrist. you sound like you are schizophrenic.

Its one thing to have things pop into your head when doing a controlled experiment but quite another to hear voices and assume they are trying to barrage you or are out to get you.

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 04:55 PM
I didnt mean to say telepathic people are bothering me or I hear voices. I was considering possibility of mutation cause of stress or mixture of that and numerous powerful cerebral psychotropic drugs over almost 6 year history or some covert circuitry put in place when I had hole drilled in skull in surgery or Area 51 technology to make me a target. Just a theory I dont know why I even considered that a possibility, now. The stuff on TV that sounded strange is reasearchable and I will try to recover something. I dont know if my memory would destort things over time but just a lead to possibly bring house of cards tumbling down. Could be nothing could be everything I dont know yet.

posted on Sep, 11 2008 @ 10:49 PM
Well Ive been in whatever this thing is for about 10 years haveing who ever theas peopel are saying thay are useing others for all sorts of things Im not sure how to go about proving this but has anyone ever heard a name that thay dont know in there head or something thay couldnt posably know on there own. I would like to know .If there is more than just me going through this maybe it can be proven.

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