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Do you think Aliens know we exist? and if so why no contact

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posted on Feb, 29 2004 @ 05:11 AM
its possible other alien civilisations are at same or just ahead by few hundred years of US here on Earth, now if thats so do you think they know we are here??? say they are 300 light years away, would they know we are here on Earth???

Now if they know we are here why no major contact? maybe they fear us, or it could contaminate their race so they stay away an watch us form a distance maybe with a little contact but minimal.

Could be there no benifit of contact for them as we are below them by few hundred years so no technology exchanges would benefit them.

They might know we are here but cant travel here yet, its very possible we will notice soon a ET race with some sort of technology radio or other type tech and it will be just to far away for us to travel to BUT we know they exist.

posted on Feb, 29 2004 @ 05:15 AM
Well, if they were 300 light years away, it would take 300 years for the first radio broadcasts to reach them, and therefore they wont recieve any for about 200 years anyway!

A popular theory is that they are aware of our presence, but because we are so primative, they chose not to interfere, just in case knowledge of their existance destabilises our civilisation, causing riots, wars etc.

posted on Feb, 29 2004 @ 05:34 AM

Originally posted by lordlefty
Well, if they were 300 light years away, it would take 300 years for the first radio broadcasts to reach them, and therefore they wont recieve any for about 200 years anyway!

A popular theory is that they are aware of our presence, but because we are so primative, they chose not to interfere, just in case knowledge of their existance destabilises our civilisation, causing riots, wars etc.

Unless they were human like... then the would just land all over the place, take all our resoures, and maybe even let us survive but only due to lack of interest.

posted on Feb, 29 2004 @ 05:39 AM
300 years for outr signal to reach there planet but not to reach there recivers what if they have a SETI program but with 1K times the bandwidth and 1k the power of ours. also a radio signal is weak considering the first signals so it would disapate in space before it even got there also what if they think were not advaned to make contact

posted on Feb, 29 2004 @ 06:13 AM
There is also the possiblity that we have indeed already been contacted through such means as SETI, or even earlier, through radio.

Nikola Tesla, the man whom all skeptics place the blame for credible UFO sightings claimed that through his experiments, he recieved what he thought were interplanetary signals.

Marconi, the man who is known as the inventor of radio, made several reports on recieving what he thought were intelligent radio signals from ET sources.

There is also the case of the Maier sisters who thought they were being played for fools, yet the case turned into a real debacle for the CIA and a very persistent man (though he eventually gave up).

I've even read at times that SETI has indeed recieved ET signals, but their findings continue to be hushed up.

You may ask: Then why does the public never hear about this stuff? The same reason that we heard nothing further about Roswell. Our governments do not want us to know.

[Edited on 29-2-2004 by heelstone]

posted on Feb, 29 2004 @ 10:46 AM
There is one possibility that nuke detonations in NM were attracting aliens....

There is a strong possibility that the aliens do not use radio at all.
We are just scratching the surface with what we can do with light/optical communications, jsut imagine what someone with a few thousand years on us could do.

posted on Feb, 29 2004 @ 10:49 AM
True if we knew it could upset the balance of power

posted on Feb, 29 2004 @ 10:52 AM
The possibility of our recieving a radio transmission from aliens are so remote that we might as well not even try. Your assuming that aliens even use radio signals and your assuming that they would use a frequency that we know about or are scanning your also assuming that we even have the radio telescopes pointed in the right direction. Or maybe we already have been contacted and didn't know it because we didn't have the technology to detect their signal.

Its a real shot in the dark looking for aliens using radio telescopes. But we do it anyway.

posted on Feb, 29 2004 @ 10:53 AM
if the government thinks we cant handle the truth lets overthrow it and see if they can handle the truth of being overthrown

posted on Feb, 29 2004 @ 10:57 AM
The government doesn't want us to know about it because they're afraid that if they tell, foriegn nations will try and get alien technology and us it against us.

posted on Feb, 29 2004 @ 10:58 AM
if the US knows about it then wouldnt the US be the ones who will get the technology 1st??

posted on Feb, 29 2004 @ 10:59 AM
Have you guys ever thought about the possibility that there could be beings that you would consider to be aliens standing right beside you at this moment? And that the only way you're not perceiving them is because of your different vibrational frequencies???

Think about it... They might've been here all the time. I've seen different creatures when I had an out-of-body experience the first time.

posted on Feb, 29 2004 @ 11:21 AM
so are you saying they are invisible because their vibrational freuquency is too high for our human eyes to see?...maybe thats why dogs bark at thin air

posted on Feb, 29 2004 @ 11:28 AM
Yep... Something like that. And I've read in different places that the law of physics in the 3d world don't necessarily apply in those dimentions. Unless the person allows them to.

So (although I haven't experienced it yet, but have read the stories from different OOBE experiences) faster than light travel might be possible. Even instant travel might be possible.

[Edited on 29-2-2004 by TheBandit795]

posted on Feb, 29 2004 @ 11:30 AM

Originally posted by TheBandit795
Yep... Something like that. And I've read in different places that the law of physics in the 3d world don't necessarily apply in those dimentions. Unless the person allows them to.

huh? i know what your saying in the 1st part but what did you mean in the 3d stuff part?

[Edited on 29-2-2004 by CookieMonster000]

posted on Feb, 29 2004 @ 11:36 AM
We live in the third density. That is level of our vibrational frequency. We have a wavelength. Other beings might live in the 4th or higher densities (some people call them dimensions).

posted on Feb, 29 2004 @ 11:45 AM
Perhaps we are just not ready for contact......we are still killing each other over religion and money.

Maybe we are not ready for the technology that they have.

I think the aliens are watching us like Jane Goodall watches her chimps.

posted on Apr, 30 2004 @ 02:58 AM
lol! Very True!

posted on Apr, 30 2004 @ 03:35 AM
Well, my opinion in the scenario of that there is an alien race that knows about human kind and that alien race is peacefull in nature. If they did any kind of monitoring on our kind, it would be quite logical that they DO NOT want to contact us yet, since our race at this point would see any extraterrestrial presence as hostile, even if they were sweet fluffy flying sheep!!

And if the public didn't see them as a threat, our goverments would definatly depict them as being a threat, to take a firm grip over the population by making us think the aliens are evil and the goverment has the answers to "protect" us from them.

Really, if you were a peacefull race of aliens, stumbled upon the human race, did some monitoring of this race to see whats going on, before trying to contact them. Would you go ahead contacting them if you had a good sence about it that this race you just discovered is an extremely violent race that kills their own kind, destroys the plannet they live on and eventhough there is no proof of alien presence to them yet, already uses the posibility of alien presence as a propaganda tool for war and destruction?

Of all the movies that involve aliens, how many of those movies don't have the human race setting out to destroy or attack that alien race?

Contact, up to now, has propably been the one and only movie where the contact between UFO and alien did not involve our kind starting a war against the alien race, because the contact between the races was long distance and we had no idea who or what the other race was. Yet in this movie, the motivation of the world goverments to build the machine who's contruction plans were recieved in the communication between the alien race and earth, was primarily seen as a dangerous weapon, and researched to see how the human race(goverments of them at least) could use the contraption to their own goals.

Then in the event of hostile aliens, I doubt that any race that mastered interstellar travel could already also do this in a way that they can bring enough forces, material and people to combat 6 billion people. So in their case, I would wait till I had enough forces mobilized to do this task.

A hostile race would most propably also do its research on our kind and see that even though we have a pre space exploration level of technology, we could master space travel and combat very fast when an alien race comes here and in a fight looses 1 single craft or weapon.

The human race is a master in engeneering and reverse engenering and in times of extreme presure, we also make giant leaps in technological evolution, especialy in the field of weapons research.

So either way, hostile or friendly, I would think long and hard about establishing contact with the human race if I were to stumble upon it.

posted on Apr, 30 2004 @ 03:42 AM
Well do we try to contact ants and bees? Maybe theyre so much more advanced than us they dont see us as intelligent at all... or maybe their trying to communicate from a distance but their using technology so advanced or different from ours we're missing it... or maybe they dont want us to know they exsist so that when they attack they will have the element of a huge suprise....

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